终于收到要交第二笔钱的信了。可是下面的内容看不懂了。到底是交 42220,还是43600。差了将近1500块呢。求助!<br /><br />Making a Payment<br /><br />The second instalment of the Visa Application Chargeis payable for each person included in the visa application. The second instalment of the VAC is A$42,220 per adult and $1,825 per dependant under the age of 18 at the time this visa application was made. Therefore, the total second instalment of the Visa Application Charge which is payable in relation to your application is A$43,600. 感觉是要交43600,但是不明白为什么,不然发邮件问问他到底是付多少钱?43600是怎么出来的? pay $43,600 感觉前后矛盾,要不移民官搞错了?既然你递申请时是42220,就应该是42220. 估计也是copy 黏贴固定格式。忘记改了。钱是按照loge那时候的价格来算的。