帮同学咨询下父母拿旅游签证来澳洲生孩子,孩子十岁可以入籍吗? 同学说是国内中介宣传的?我怎么觉得好像不可能。 高啊Automatic acquisition of citizenship on 10th birthday
A child born in Australia on or after 20 August 1986 who did not acquire Australian citizenship at birth automatically acquires it on their 10th birthday if they have been residing in Australia since their birth. This provision operates regardless of the parents’ immigration or citizenship status. 哎呦 生下来是中国籍,在澳出生,要一直住到十岁,签证可能吗?如果你爹妈可以搞定这十年签证,绿卡早拿到了,也不用等十年,逻辑懂咯? 什么状况 去美国吧
澳洲的情况,楼上大侠说的对。10年时间,父母拿不到签证在澳洲呆着,孩子就没希望 希望不大吧?要么孩子再等几年大学毕业了自己移民 估计不可以吧,不然要黑民了 不可以