嘉兴凹凸曼 发表于 2015-4-10 10:12:50


<br /><br />请问有谁在这边做麻醉师或学麻醉专业的吗?有没有在国内以麻醉师职业申请PR过来的?<br /><br /><br /> 帮国内的朋友打听,在国内拿的学位,有10年以上麻醉师的经验,如果IELTS过了,想以麻醉师职业申请独立技术移民困难吗?现在在这边找麻醉师的工作好找吗?<br /><br /> 有没有谁在申请学位和工作经历评估的时候经历过 college interview 或exam 的?如果有的话,求经验及题库<br /><br /><br /> 非常谢谢。

libraboyz 发表于 2015-4-10 12:50:25


lili2725 发表于 2015-4-10 16:12:45


youre 发表于 2015-4-10 17:52:37


龙之涯 发表于 2015-4-11 03:25:05


w0x0000w0x 发表于 2015-4-11 06:23:59


发大水 发表于 2015-4-11 07:35:40


乔同林 发表于 2015-4-11 18:03:22

Anesthetist are medical specialist. Australia does not recognize medical training in china. Your friend won't be able to find job here unless he gets re-qualification here, years of study and test and start again as junior doctor.&nbsp;&nbsp;

【Alex】 发表于 2015-4-12 04:27:49

Thanks for the information. According my research on immi website, as well as the websites of MBA(Medical Board of Australia) and ANZCA(Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists, there is a assessemnt available for IMGA (International Medical Greduate Specialist) to register with the MBA, then can be recognised by immi. Anaesthetist is on the SOL.

Now I would like to know about the test held by ANZCA for anaesthetist skill assessment for international graduates with working experience in other countries, and if there is a test/exam questions pool, or previous test/exam paper avaliable somewhere?

Wish can get helpful information with many thanks.

251067462 发表于 2015-4-12 05:20:48

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