<br /><br />请问有谁在这边做麻醉师或学麻醉专业的吗?有没有在国内以麻醉师职业申请PR过来的?<br /><br /><br /> 帮国内的朋友打听,在国内拿的学位,有10年以上麻醉师的经验,如果IELTS过了,想以麻醉师职业申请独立技术移民困难吗?现在在这边找麻醉师的工作好找吗?<br /><br /> 有没有谁在申请学位和工作经历评估的时候经历过 college interview 或exam 的?如果有的话,求经验及题库<br /><br /><br /> 非常谢谢。 麻烦师不能算紧缺职业了吧?家家都有至少一个 不好意思,没发前没仔细检查。是麻醉师。 这也缺啊 我也给骗入来了,想看看什么职业最麻烦。不过我上班的地方下面是心血管专科,门外写着5,6个心血管专科医生,但只有一1个麻醉师。估计不好找工作,不过英文够强又考出拍照的没多少。 呵呵,一字之差,好象还赚人气了 真心求经验。希望有高人指点。 Anesthetist are medical specialist. Australia does not recognize medical training in china. Your friend won't be able to find job here unless he gets re-qualification here, years of study and test and start again as junior doctor. Thanks for the information. According my research on immi website, as well as the websites of MBA(Medical Board of Australia) and ANZCA(Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists, there is a assessemnt available for IMGA (International Medical Greduate Specialist) to register with the MBA, then can be recognised by immi. Anaesthetist is on the SOL.Now I would like to know about the test held by ANZCA for anaesthetist skill assessment for international graduates with working experience in other countries, and if there is a test/exam questions pool, or previous test/exam paper avaliable somewhere?
Wish can get helpful information with many thanks. 麻烦