818bbb 发表于 2014-7-18 17:31:22

开个贴 记录143父母贡献类移民申请的细节和过程,全程DIY,没中介

<br /><br />前期准备了近一个月(上网查信息,填表,做公证等)<br /><br />2015年4月8号,墨尔本在AUS POST Express 快递143父母付费移民的申请材料(0.8kg 肿么有这么多)。隔天通过Tracking number,查到于9号中午送达。<br /><br />目前暂未扣款(Debit Card)。<br />有新的进展,我将持续更新,有同时期的童靴,一起关注和交流吧。<br /><br />-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />应大家要求,以下是我准备的材料清单,作为参考,如有不全面的地方,还请坛子里的大神 予以指正,谢谢!<br />首先143官方的check list 放在所有材料最上面。<br /><br />Next<br />申请人准备材料:<br />1.&nbsp; &nbsp;Form 47PA <br />2.&nbsp; &nbsp;Copy of identification documents身份证扫描件(要记得翻译成英文)<br />3.&nbsp; &nbsp;Copy of passport and travel visa 父母的护照扫描件各一<br />4.&nbsp; &nbsp;Certified copy of Household Register 家庭户籍户口簿扫描件并公证<br />5.&nbsp; &nbsp;Certified copy of Birth certificates父母的出生公证各一份(各人的直系直属关系公证)<br />6.&nbsp; &nbsp;Certified copy of marriage certificate父母的结婚公证一份<br />7.&nbsp; &nbsp;Certificate of relationship to the sponsor申请人和担保人的亲属关系公证<br />8.&nbsp; &nbsp;4 recent passport-sized photographs 2寸护照照片各4张, 背面写上姓名用英文写<br />9.&nbsp; &nbsp;80表-父母各填一份,暂时无需递交,可等签证官通知后再补交<br />10. 国内的无犯罪公证/ 无刑事犯罪记录的公证,暂时无需递交,可等签证官通知后再补交<br /><br />担保人准备材料:<br />1.&nbsp; &nbsp;Form 40 <br />2.&nbsp; &nbsp;Form 956 是让父母授权给你作为中介代理,全权和移民局交涉<br />3.&nbsp; &nbsp;Copy of Passport<br />4.&nbsp; &nbsp;Copy of identification documents<br />5.&nbsp; &nbsp;copy of Visa 准签信- Evidence that the sponsor is a settled Australian citizen, Australian PR<br />6.&nbsp; &nbsp;Certified copy of marriage certificates<br />7.&nbsp; &nbsp;Certified copy of Birth certificates<br />8.&nbsp; &nbsp;Driver License<br />9.&nbsp; &nbsp;Evidences of where the applicants‘ all children reside (水电账单、在这里学习工作的证明)<br /><br />-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />Update:<br />2015年4月13号,中午邮箱提示音响,一看,收到扣款通知-Tax Invoice<br /><br /><br />-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />Update:<br />2015年5月11号,中午,收到<br />From: Department of Immigration and Border Protection<br /><br />附件里一封4页的信,主要内容是通知我的申请被确认了,告诉我Application ID,File No.,,Payment Receipt No.等信息。<br />"This letter refers to your application for a CONTRIBUTORY PARENT   visa, which was validly lodged at Perth Offshore Centre on 09 April 2015. You indicated on your application that you wish to be considered for the grant of a CONTRIBUTORY PARENTvisa".<br /><br />Yeah,又进一步了,革命尚未完成,同志们仍需努力!<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />*** 我将持续更新本贴,希望能对奋斗在申请第一线的战友们有用,关注完后,请别忘记甩分来哈!!!

善才 发表于 2014-7-19 03:10:45


qxsixiao 发表于 2014-7-19 09:47:13

是的&nbsp;&nbsp;没必要&nbsp; &nbsp;我做为Exempt Person帮我父母填写,直接省AUD$1500。

忘记你的我 发表于 2014-7-19 10:19:46


chinadress123 发表于 2014-7-19 19:53:50


⊙海★ 发表于 2014-7-20 01:50:29

以下是我准备的材料清单,作为参考,如有不全面的地方,还请坛子里的大神 予以指正,谢谢!

首先143官方的check list 放在所有材料最上面。


1.&nbsp; &nbsp;Form 47PA (signed by both applicants)
2.&nbsp; &nbsp;Copy of identification documents (both applicants) 身份证扫描件(要记得翻译成英文)
3.&nbsp; &nbsp;Copy of passport and travel visa 父母的护照扫描件各一
4.&nbsp; &nbsp;Certified copy of Household Register(family book) 家庭户籍户口簿扫描件并公证
5.&nbsp; &nbsp;Certified copy of Birth certificates (both applicants) 父母的出生公证各一份(各人的直系直属关系公证)
6.&nbsp; &nbsp;Certified copy of marriage certificate父母的结婚公证一份
7.&nbsp; &nbsp;Certificate of relationship to the sponsor (parent and child) 申请人和担保人的亲属关系公证
8.&nbsp; &nbsp;4 recent passport-sized photographs(both applicants) 2寸护照照片各4张, 背面写上姓名用英文写
9.&nbsp; &nbsp;80表-父母各填一份,暂时无需递交,可等签证官通知后再补交
10. 国内的无犯罪公证/ 无刑事犯罪记录的公证,暂时无需递交,可等签证官通知后再补交

1.&nbsp; &nbsp;Form 40 (signed by sponsor and sponsor's partner)
2.&nbsp; &nbsp;Form 956 (signed by sponsor and applicants)是让父母授权给你作为中介代理,全权和移民局交涉
3.&nbsp; &nbsp;Copy of Passport
4.&nbsp; &nbsp;Copy of identification documents
5.&nbsp; &nbsp;copy of Visa 准签信- Evidence that the sponsor is a settled Australian citizen, Australian PR
6.&nbsp; &nbsp;Certified copy of marriage certificates
7.&nbsp; &nbsp;Certified copy of Birth certificates
8.&nbsp; &nbsp;Driver License
9.&nbsp; &nbsp;Evidences of where the applicants‘ all children reside (水电账单、在这里学习工作的证明)

dc80 发表于 2014-7-20 05:54:28

不难 我妈的已经下来了. 丈母娘的马上. 我爹的得明年. 就是填表和准备材料而已

Ag丨rL丶琪 发表于 2014-7-20 11:46:59

你从递交材料 到拿到签证 多长时间? 递交材料以后 多久通知你交第二笔钱的?

动点 发表于 2014-7-20 14:43:45

我妈是18个月, 丈母娘是20个月, 越来越慢了. 我爹估计得22个月吧. 第二笔钱到签证下来是很快的, 只要AOS和体检没问题.

月光如水 发表于 2014-7-20 22:09:08

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