中国护照申请新西兰旅游签证,evidence you are a bona fide visitor 是要什么?
中国护照持有人在澳洲申请新西兰旅游签证,<br /><br />在Applicants for specific vias types must provide the documents listed below下面,Tourists--Evidence you are a bona fide visitor , for example:<br />evidence that you intend to return to your home country at the end of your stay<br />是要什么?<br />是离开新西兰的机票?不可能先购机票再申请签证吧?万一签证部批准咋办?<br />evidence that you are genuinely visiting for the purpose of holidaying,sightseeing<br />这个又是要什么?<br /><br />有经验的同学说说,谢谢大家。 机票,宾馆预定单,旅行计划