请教~~购买BB车,有必要买Bassinet Kit吗?
我想买baby jogger city select~~价钱好想比以前看贵了~~<br />请问一般BB车是不是都能调平给BB睡觉?有必要再买Bassinet Kit吗?但一个bassinet的价格也不便宜,而且感觉用的时间也不太长~~ 不買,東西放哪兒? (寶寶的奶瓶,包,衣服,單子,鞋,尿布,小玩具),都掛在車把上,多了,車會翻到的 那么BB能在BB车平躺吗?我问过sale,她说BB车是给6months以上用的 要配一个Bassinet用,是真的吗? 買那種可以坐到3歲左右的,質量好的 去年圣诞左右买的这个,配了睡篮的,6个月之前用,不过今年貌似又出2014新款了,价格上不少。可以问问老款还有没有货,便宜不少啊。 觉得没必要。。
以前买了。。但只用了3个月。。 Recently concerned the same issue and checked online, as long as the seat can be reclined, you can put your newborn baby on it, also saw many parents did the same thing without additional bassinet in shopping centres. But certainly the sales will definitely tell you to buy one to get more commission. Anyway, all up to your personal feeling, as long as baby feeling comfortable and safe. 可以换个别的牌子,mountain buggy的cosmopilitan就是可以完全躺平的 对的,换了2014款之后价格贵了差唔多100~~
我想买这款车,但不想买这个摇篮~~纠结啊!! 我也觉得没必要~~但问题就系我在担心不买摇篮new born baby能睡吗?