对于143担保人的居住满两年的要求,是指从PR拿到日期算起呢?还是担保人在澳洲境内居住的实际时间呢? 居住 the date on your visa.We have just submitted our application of Partner migration for mum after dad got his for 5 years. We did it on March 5, 2015, by the date on the visa, which I personally called the immi and confirmed.
Also we were contacted by a case officer already to supply more documents, which confirmed again, it is a valid application.
If you would like to know, my dad has been in Australia for 4 years according to actual physical staying in Australia. 楼主问的是143,不是143成功后的配偶 oh, yep. my mistake
SORRY. 谢谢大家,那么offshore申请的技术移民,之前在这的学生签证能算进去吗? 以前算的,后来听人家说改了不算了。反正自家也申请好了, 不去求证了。 要问问最近申请的同志 是包括你学生签证,旅游签证居住的时间,只要你在澳洲属于定居状态,就可以包括在两年里。