怀孕时能用Jurlique rose护手霜吗?
朋友问. 我也不懂,网上查到应该避免的成分有这些。那应该是安全的。<br /><br />Retinoids<br />These powerful substances, found in some anti aging moisturizers, are lauded for helping reduce wrinkles and improve skin tone. Retinoids are a type of vitamin A that speeds up cell divisionand prevent skin collagen from breaking down. There is no strong evidence to show that retinoids ingredients are harmful when used on the skin. It is advised by doctors to avoid during pregnancy and nursing.<br /><br />What to check on the label:<br /><br />Differin <br />Retin-A, Renova <br />Retinoic acid<br />Retinol<br />Retinyl linoleate<br />Retinyl palmitate<br />Tazorac and avage <br />Salicylic acid<br />Salicylic acid is another no-no for pregnant women.This mild acid is used to treat certain skin disorders, including acne, and you can find it in a number of skin products, such as cleansers and toners. BHA, or beta hydroxy acid, is a form of salicylic acid and is used in some topical exfoliants to reverse signs of aging.<br /><br />Do not confuse yourself with Alpha hydroxy acids, sometimes listed as AHAs, glycolic acid, or lactic acid, they are safe.<br /><br />What to check on the label:<br /><br />Salicylic acid<br />Beta hydroxy acid<br />BHA<br />Don’t panic. If you realize you have used a product that contains one of the potentially harmful ingredients noted above. Simply stop using the product now and pick one with known-to-be-safe ingredients.<br /><br />http://www.motherhood.com.au/art ... uring_pregnancy.htm<br /><br />http://www.15minutebeauty.com/20 ... while-pregnant.html<br /><br /><br /><br /> 可以用吧我那个时候讨厌所有香味,一直都没用。。。 怀孕时候应该避免用含有精油成分的产品吧 貌似娇韵诗的产品安全些 能少用就少用吧 我孕期特地买了些比较安全的护肤品,手霜我现在用的是Madre Labs unscented handcream, made in USA, no sulfates, parabens, dyes etc. 还有就是国内的亲润的孕妇护手霜,感觉也还不错。 哈哈 一样一样 连香皂闻了都恶心 怀孕了受不了那个香味了,闻了就想吐。。。所以都不用了。。。 应该是可以用吧。不过我讨厌香味就没用了 我怀孕是超级喜欢闻有香味的 据它官方说应该是脸部可以用,身体产品不建议用 o? 哪里看的官方?谢谢