各位大侠:<br />周六飞去墨尔本,想找有婴儿座的Taxi,提前预定怕飞机晚点。到了那里再叫可以吗?这些Taxi一般停在哪里?和其他Taxi不在一起吧?谢谢各位好心人。 坐taxi不需要安全座椅 抱着 下个软件在手机上预定呗,叫silver top taxi taxi does not need child seat but they can supply if you request one. 出了机场有专门等出租车的地方。协调员会根据人员和行李数量调出租车。坐出租车可以不用儿童座椅 有官方的出处吗? 对的,在等Taxi的地方直接问协调员说我要child seat 的 Taxi, 很多Taxi后面有带, 会临时装上的 12个月以下必须12个月以上可以坐座位, 但绝对不允许抱着
Do we need a child restraint in taxis and buses?
Taxi drivers must ensure:
All passengers younger than 12 months must be secured in a child restraint.
All passengers aged over 12 months and under 16 years must:
occupy a seating position that is fitted with a suitable seatbelt, and
not occupy the same seating position as another passenger (whether or not the other passenger is exempt from wearing a seatbelt under rule 267), and
wear the seatbelt properly adjusted and fastened.
No passenger under four years old is in the front seat and a child four years or older but under seven years may only sit in the front row if all of the other seats in the row or rows behind the front row are occupied by passengers who are also under seven years old. Do we need a child restraint in a taxi?
By law, taxi drivers do not have to provide child restraints or booster seats. However, they must ensure there is at least one anchor fitting ready for passengers who wish to supply their own. If you can, take your child’s restraint with you.
In taxis:
children aged under 1 year do not have to use a child restraint, but they must travel in the back seat.
children aged 1 year and over must be seated in their own seating position in a taxi, with their own properly fastened seatbelt if no suitable child restraint or booster seat is available in the taxi.