妈妈143移民5年了, 这几天想在网上申请爸爸配偶移民,可是Online申请根本不让通过,难道现在不让申请配偶移民了么,是7月份新政么, 我查了一下网站介绍:大家有了解的么,我看大家申请都没有问题呀,焦虑呀。<br /><br />If you are a current or previous contributory parent category visa holder<br />If you have been granted a permanent contributory parent category visa on or after 1 July 2009, you<br />are unable to sponsor a person for a partner category visa for 5 years from your visa grant date if you<br />were in a married or de facto relationship with that person on or before the date you were granted the<br />contributory parent category visa.<br />There are some exceptions to this limitation if you can provide compelling reasons. Compelling reasons<br />may include if your partner was unable to migrate with you because of a major family illness or other<br />significant obligations, other than financially-related obligations. In this situation, the department expects<br />that you will be able to provide evidence of a change in circumstances 这个政策没有改变吧,我也打算5年后这么给我爸办过来呢,希望楼主顺利给你爸爸申请到签证 谢谢 同关注这个问题,我要到18年才能申请下一个 请问这个配偶签证类别是哪个?visa sub class no? 309/100 or 820/801 这句话一直都在。online申请不让通过,具体什么意思? 楼主妈妈的签证已经换过了么? 没看懂 如果妈妈的第一个5年已经过了,应该要换签证了呀,换了以后的签证类别才有资格申请爸爸过来。