最近在考虑等孩子上大学了,回国去,那时大概50不到。因为种种原因不想入籍,想等在国内干几年60岁前回澳洲来,到时候会给RRV签证吗?<br /><br />移民局网站上关于RRV是这样写的。<br /><br />You might be able to be granted this visa if you are:<br />-an Australian permanent resident<br />-a former Australian permanent resident whose last permanent visa was not cancelled<br />-a former Australian citizen who lost or renounced your citizenship.<br /><br />A 'former Australian permanent resident' includes anyone who was recognised as a permanent resident of Australia under the migration arrangements that applied at the time they were in Australia.<br /><br />可不可以这样理解,因为我曾经是PR,我的PR签证是自然过期而不是被取消,那么当我又想回澳洲常驻了,有资格获得RRV。<br />字面上大概就是这个意思,但是似乎too good to be true? PR过期了,如果你在境外,很难申请RRV,除非有足够的理由。没过期之前,你可以试试每年回来一次在境内申请RRV,只能一次给一年的,风险也蛮大。怎么证明你和澳洲还有实际联系:商业的(交税)、生活的(有直系亲属在澳洲)、工作、投资(有房产)。。。
所以最好拿到citizen再回去保险些 人家也可以不给的 因为国内一些事情,入籍会非常不方便。
到时候女儿肯定在澳洲,不过已经成年了,这个还能算直系亲属关联关系吗 长时间不住在澳洲,很难签到RRV回来,PR等同作废。 60岁的人还想再回澳洲,不现实的想法,除非那时国内生活不如澳洲 算啊,不过风险都有,谨慎。我们每次去签都很忐忑 成年的女儿不算 那时候女儿在澳洲,那办父母排队移民总可以吧。 现在是否只有2种,一个5年的,一个是三个月的,我看官网这么写着:
What is a Resident Return Visa (RRV)?
There are two classes of Resident Return Visa: The Subclass 155 RRV and the Subclass 157 RRV.
155 Resident Return Visa
The most common form of RRV allows the holder to leave and re-enter Australia at will for five years.
157 Resident Return Visa
The 157 RRV is typically reserved for those who are ineligible for a 155 RRV; it also allows the holder to leave and re-enter Australia legally, but only for a period of three months.