请问如何帮助直系亲属拿pr,比如亲哥哥?本人是PR身份,但我哥不是,他在国内,目前单身(离婚状态),40岁。 父母都健在,并且没有意向出国。<br /><br />请问都有哪些途径呢?<br /><br />谢谢<br /> 没有直接的方法能担保他过来。要么试下技术移民,你给他做亲属担保加分,但你住在澳洲哪里也是有要求的。总的来说,很难很难就是了。 I think that 哥哥不是直系亲属, so it is too hard for him. 基本上没啥可能吧。能跟着主申移民的就是配偶和孩子,连亲爹亲妈都只能排10年队或者付费。
另,既然他本人没有意向出国,楼主就别费劲了。 楼主是说他父母没意向出国。但是你哥要来也只有你父母来了他才可以以家庭最后成员移民。 哦,是我看错了。
查了一下,可以做 remaining relative visa ,但是貌似也要等10年以上
http://www.immigrationlaw.com.au ... embers-to-australia
Humanitarian visas aside (which are not an option for most people anyway) the remaining relative visa is the only option for you to bring your last brother, sister or adult child to Australia.
To qualify for this visa your brother, sister or adult child must prove that:
They do not have any parents, siblings (including steps siblings) or non-dependent children that live outside Australia.
If they are married or in a defacto relationship, their spouse does not have any parents, siblings (including steps siblings) or non-dependent children that live outside Australia.
The number of remaining relative visas that are made available each year is limited. As a result you can expect to wait about 10+ years until you are granted a remaining relative visa. 基本无解,除非你哥找一个澳洲pr或公民结婚 很难办,如果父母愿意移民,还有可能 谢谢各位了。