我和老公刚来堪培拉,我怀孕了, 想请问大家有没有知道讲华语的GP,麻烦啦, 先谢谢啦! 有,在hawker ,叫段云波,人非常不错。 谢谢MM。 florey medical centreDR STEPHEN TANG – MBBS, FRACGP
Dr Tang completed his medical degree in Sydney 1995. Early in his career he worked as a paediatric registrar and obstetric and gynaecology registrar in New Zealand and Brisbane for 6 years. In 2003, Dr Tang worked as a Flying Doctor in Roma, Queensland for six months before joining Florey Medical Centre in 2004. From these experiences Dr Tang developed a special interest in womens and childrens health as well as medical emergencies. florey 那个医生听说也不错,好像是个女的。
不过GP不会给你做详细检查,只会开介绍信去B超 或者去医院。 谢谢! 好的,谢谢,这边看病都找GP,跟国内还真不一样。 DR STEPHEN TANG 是男的哦。