求推荐好的OB (royal north shore private)
打算在royal north shore private生,姐妹们有好的OB推荐吗?<br />另外,我买了medibank,还不太了解在生产方面它都能cover哪些费用?听朋友说,只能管住院期间的费用,所有看医生都要自费。<br /><br />多谢指导了。 Share my research with you.List of OB from North shore private:
http://www.northshoreprivate.com ... SearchButton=Search
My wife is with DR STEVEN TAN at the moment. He can speak Mandarin.
DR EVELYN CHIA can speak Mandarin too.
DR ADRIAN KWOK and DR PO-YU HUANG are well known as well.
DR KEITH HARTMAN and DR MICHAEL VAN DER GRIEND may be the most famous two in lower north shore.
-Your friend is right. Medibank mid or top hospital cover 管住院期间的费用.
Only few OB such as PROF JONATHAN MORRIS and DR SEAN SEEHO can do Gap Cover with Medibank. But it is vary case by case. 多谢多谢。
在请教一个问题,产前体检的费用,比如抽血、B超等,这些保险Cover吗?还是都要自付? 只cover一部分 :
Part of expenses (blood test, ultrasound and OB management fee) can be claimed via Medicare if you go with private OB.
Private health insurance (eg: HCF, Medibank and etc.) does not cover those expenses. 请问dr evelyn chia好吗?很少看到对她的评论 no idea. I was wondering too. 同在North Shore Private, OB是黄博裕,他是手术做的非常好的医生,如果很不喜欢剖腹产的话就不建议选他。但是我在他那看了几次已经,感觉专业程度及经验毋庸置疑,至少非常让我信赖。 我的OB Dr Anne Macgibbon 老大就是她接生,现在老二也找她,我和老公都不太能接受男医生,如果MM想顺产,她非常好,做事情很负责任而且不会给准妈妈很大压力。大宝出生3.85KG 吸盘无侧切 请问你们选的哪个房间,为什么看到主页写:The cost of a Gold/PLATINUM Suite Package is not covered by most health funds. Check with your fund. 好困惑阿,菜鸟一个,多谢指教。