请问 Thermos Foogo 的吸管哪儿有零售吗?
持分请教,Thermos Foogo 系列 的吸管被孩子啃坏了,请问悉尼哪儿有零售配套的吸管吗? <br /><br /><center><img style='max-width:90%;' src='data/attachment/forum/caiji/14385971121.jpg' /></center> 联系一下在7hills的澳洲公司http://www.thermos.com/worldwide.aspx 我之前去问 说澳洲没有吸管替换装卖 所以后来重新在海外买的时候多买2套吸管替换 我记得在TOYSRUS有看到过 谢谢,是 Amazon 吗? 我是朋友在台湾买 顺便多买2套替换装的 http://www.motherslove.com.au/th ... vqb0CFcsbpQodfiAAOQ
這就有啦, 才5刀 太感谢啦,今天就定~ They have different types, some for older style of foogo (square) and some for new style of foogo (oval), be careful when choosing. I just found out urbanbaby has straw purchase only $1.20 and you can pick up from Annadale
http://www.urbanbaby.com.au/epag ... n_AU/?#.UzDj1Z24a70