noncode 发表于 2014-10-9 18:06:27

有人听说过申请完PPL后,回去工作可以拿最高的Family Tax Benefit Part B?

在centerlink的网站上看到的,老公现在回去工作,不知道怎么才能申请这个最高的FTB part B.<br /><br />这是网站上的一段话:<br />Parents who return to work for the first time, after the birth of a child, or caring for a child who has come into the care of you or your partner, may be entitled to the maximum rate of Family Tax Benefit Part B for the financial year period before they returned to work. <br /><br />Eligibility for this extra assistance will be calculated after the end of the financial year when Family Tax Benefit payments are balanced. <br /><br />You are only entitled to this extra assistance if this is your first return to work since the birth of a child or since an eligible child first entered your care. The extra assistance will be applied if the person who has 'returned to work' is the lower income earner in the family.

神宫寺丶吕素 发表于 2014-10-10 04:42:31


joingjay 发表于 2014-10-10 14:57:38


___依然爱,| 发表于 2014-10-10 19:27:36

我的理解是你老公需要是家里lower income的,不知道你家什么情况,但如果你挣得比老公少,FTB B就和他没有什么关系了。FTB B本身就是评估家中lower income的一方。再根据具体有多少发放补助的。

钱平海 发表于 2014-10-10 21:34:44

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