东方整形医院 发表于 2015-5-7 15:07:13

问个关于baby bonus 海外汇款的问题

大家好 想问大家一个小白问题<br />儿子是2月12号出生的 本来以为能赶上baby bonus 但是老妈3月份的时候打过来5万块钱给孙子的见面礼 结果我们填family assistance表格的时候把这个填进income里了 结果家庭总收入一下就上去了导致centrelink不给baby bonus <br />想问一下这笔钱是算在adjusted taxable income里吗 centrelink的电话实在打不通我这又要上班。。。谢谢各位啊

眞啲/狠想念 发表于 2015-5-8 01:31:35

我觉得这不算income吧,只能算gift。怎能charge tax呢? 问问你的税务师该怎么办

宝姆 发表于 2015-5-8 12:29:17

我也觉得不应该算收入...但当时填表的时候阴差阳错填上去了 悔死了

tttcy 发表于 2015-5-8 17:35:48


We will calculate your adjusted taxable income as part of the income test for Family Tax Benefit Part A and B, Child Care Benefit for Approved Care, Parental Leave Pay, Dad and Partner Pay and Baby Bonus.

Adjusted taxable income for family assistance purposes is:
•taxable income
•reportable fringe benefits
•reportable superannuation contributions
•total net investment losses
•tax free pensions and benefits
•foreign income
•tax exempt foreign income
•less any child support you pay


︶Smile︶ 发表于 2015-5-9 01:05:06

若若问一句, 现在还有baby bonus吗? 听说取消了丫

平湖网 发表于 2015-5-9 02:03:08


堪缘 发表于 2015-5-9 08:35:44


carrick 发表于 2015-5-9 13:34:47

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