【问题已解决】CC Absence day 付了的钱应该怎么claim回来
<br /><br />问个小白的问题,【问题已解决】 分分明天补上。。。<br /><br />女儿刚去CC, 有两天病了去不了,这两天的钱已经预付给CC了。。应该怎样claim回来呢?<br /><br />在cc的statement上面是有写着2天的absence, 但cc没有credit那部分已交的钱给我<br /><br />那这部分的钱应该从centerlink要吗?<br /><br /> 生病去不了也是要缴钱的啊 这钱退不了 不是centerlink可以报的嘛?一年42 天。
You can be paid for any absence from approved care your child attends for up to 42 days per child per financial year. Additional absences beyond 42 days for certain reasons may be approved and paid. Please talk to your child care provider about the additional absences.
Public holidays will be counted as an absence if the child would normally have attended the service on that day, if it were not a public holiday, and fees have been charged for that day for the child. You can access your child’s absence record on your online statement by selecting 'View Child Care Details and Payments' at Centrelink Online Services. You can also do this using the Express Plus Families mobile app.
For more information on absences from child care, you can use the Information for families using child care kit, on the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations website.
http://www.humanservices.gov.au/ ... k/child-care-rebate centerlink这段话指的是childcare rebate吧。 centerlink那个说的应该是CCB和CCR,娃生病没去CC钱还是照交的 那如果是放假 回国之类的
也要给钱吗? 要给的。不过多数CC,提前两周通知的话,会给discount。比如我家小猪去的CC,一年有2周的holiday,要提前填表申请,然后半价。 谢谢楼上各位,原来一直理解错了。。 这个不是中国给小孩吃药的缘故吗。