BCG 卡介苗疫苗..
在澳洲新生兒不用接種BCG 卡介苗, 因為澳洲打的疫苗是比較少的. 比起一些東南亞國家新生兒接種的疫苗少很多.<br />在台灣一個月之內新生兒就要接種卡介苗了, 有那一位MM 在這裏接種過嗎??? 可能要特別接種... 我們家寶寶是帶回台灣接種的.. 我在這裡問過. 在這種卡介苗的話, 要先找GP.GP 會給你介紹信.. 然後, 你要打電話給你住的那區的醫院的chest clinic預約.
基本上, 在打之前, chest clinic會先測試寶寶有沒抗體, 然後觀察幾個星期.
打了後, 他們還要繼續觀察幾個星期 (記得好像是8-12星期), 看反應.
然後沒事才算OK. 太好了.. 謝謝你..
GOOD INFO.....你也是台灣人嗎??? 這個FORUM 比較少台灣人上.
今天是同事在問...她今年要回台灣去, 想想孩子還是有接種比較好. 肺結核的潛伏期可以長達10 年...挺可怕的... 不會啦.. 嘿阿我們也是台灣人.. 我也是前陣子才逛到這個forum的..
我們上個月剛回去. 順便帶寶寶回去種卡介苗的.
對阿, 寶寶的爸爸也這樣說, 所以我們才去問這的GP的.
在台灣種, 如果寶寶滿1歲了, 也要先做測試 (結核菌素試驗).
我們是, 星期3測試, 星期5晚上看結果, 然後就打了 (在婦幼林森院區的胸腔內科). 在ROYAL MELBOURNEL HOSPITAL 找到一些資料...台灣一定是高危險地區的..所以最好打..
真羨慕你寶貝己經1歲了, 我現在才24週.....以前住在高雄....
BCG vaccine for TB Tuberculosis
BCG vaccine prevents tuberculosis or TB. BCG stands for "Bacille Calmette-Guerin" and is named after Dr Calmette and Dr Guerin who developed it in the early part of last century. It has been used since 1921 to prevent TB. BCG vaccine has been developed from a germ similar to TB called Mycobacterium bovis. It is a live vaccine that has been processed so that it is not harmful to humans.
What is TB?
For more information please read the fact sheet on TB.
What does the vaccine do?
The BCG vaccine does not prevent someone being infected with TB, but it prevents the development of the disease. It is specifically designed to prevent TB disease in children. BCG vaccine protects children for about 10 years and the World Health Organisation recommends one dose.
How is it given?
If there is a chance you/your child has been infected with TB, the doctor will arrange for a TB skin (Mantoux) test before you/your child can have a BCG vaccine. If the skin test is positive (ie, you/your child has previously been infected with TB) you should not have the BCG vaccine. If the skin test is negataive, the BCG vaccine is given by an injection just under the skin. It is usually given on the left upper arm.
Who should get the BCG vaccine?
•All children travelling for more than six weeks to countries with high levels of TB
•Aboriginal babies in high TB risk areas
•Babies whose mothers have TB
Who should definitely NOT get the BCG vaccine?
Some people should not get the BCG vaccine because the vaccine could cause complications. This includes people who:
•have had TB before
•have a positive Mantoux (skin) test
•have an HIV infection
•have an underlying condition or take medicines that weaken their immune system
•pregnant women
Because TB is not common in Australia, BCG vaccine is not part of the routine vaccination schedule.
What are the side-effects of the BCG vaccine?
All people who get BCG vaccine will get a red lump where they had the injection after about a week. This becomes an ulcer (open sore) by about 2-3 weeks and then heals by about eight weeks leaving a small scar. The scar is one way we can tell ifyou have had the vaccine.
A few people (less than one in 20) will have side-effects. Side effects include:
•A large skin ulcer where the person had the injection (the most common side effect - about three people in 100)
•Infection of the lymph glands in the armpit (about one person in 100)
•Keloid scarring (very noticeable scarring on your skin). This does not happen very often and won't happen if the vaccine is given correctly.
•Severe immediate allergic reactions but these also do not happen very often.
For more information
•The Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne runs a travel clinic for children and their families on Monday afternoons in the Outpatient Department. You will need a referral from your GP.
•American CDC website on TB
•The WHO website on TB