另外,chatswood哪个GP妇产方面比较有经验,也麻烦推荐一下,多谢! 路过!恭喜哟! 多谢多谢! 恭喜!先见GP,ta会给你开单安排B超。 先去随便找个GP验血吧! B 超太早照啥都看不到,还得做阴超。
第7,8周才会有胎心,建议等到那个时候再做b超。不过GP会开单子的,自己打电话约的时候算算日子啰 多谢4楼5楼,这就去找GP。 Louis Ng at Chatswood Medical Centre is professional and specialised in pregnancy. But she has too many patients. You may feel she is a bit impatient sometime.
Better do the normal scan after 7 weeks and avoid internal scan (阴超) as some may experience spotting and light bleeding after the scan. 现在找GP抽血,我记得我当时抽了4-5管血呢,很夸张。
8周左右做个dating scan。然后等着10几周去医院见MW。不用太担心,找个靠谱的GP,GP会告诉你一步一步做什么的。 谢谢7#8#楼,就怕抽血