宝姆 发表于 2015-2-3 09:17:26


鸡蛋区别,白皮蛋跟黄皮蛋,蒸出来颜色就不同,超市买的(不管是不是organic)和家里养的也不同。<br /><br />自己家鸡下的蛋敲出来,蛋黄就是黄色的,蒸出来也是黄灿灿的。超市的鸡蛋敲出来,蛋黄偏橘红,估计饲料里是不是有红萝卜素,蒸出来也发白,不亮。<br /><br /><br /><br />

六月阳光 发表于 2015-2-3 18:39:43


眞啲/狠想念 发表于 2015-2-3 23:49:23

&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;organic鸡蛋的蒸出来是黄的

ly54476903 发表于 2015-2-4 04:03:36

&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;看过新闻,有些自称organic的其实是假的。我的办法是,先找到一盒最贵的organic的鸡蛋打开看看鸡蛋的样子,一般这种会比其他organic贵几刀,然后把其他的organic鸡蛋盒子打开和这个对比,你会发现有些organic的和最贵的一点不像,反而更像普通cage鸡蛋。这样的就坚决抛弃。在能承受范围内,买和最贵的鸡蛋看起来差不多的就好了。

风之伤 发表于 2015-2-4 09:21:51

&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; 早上刚试验了下,发下蒸的蛋没有很黄,但是肯定是黄的,推荐给你这个牌子family value free range。蒸蛋我用的是一比一蛋和水。

&nbsp; &nbsp; 有些free range的和organic差不多,都是喂食谷类不加抗生素的,盒子上会写的。
&nbsp; &nbsp;

vidrxua 发表于 2015-2-4 09:40:32


dubi2232 发表于 2015-2-4 12:00:45

蛋不好 国内土鸡蛋好。。。

bests 发表于 2015-2-4 14:55:30

我煮鸡蛋米汤也是,普通的蛋一定是偏白的,但是买好的,贵的蛋就是黄的! 所以每次我都买好的free range,我不知道怎么区分,但是我觉得个头很重要,我买10只装的700g,好过12只装的700g!

sulee 发表于 2015-2-4 17:31:22

说过都是一样的啦。不知道大家有没有关注 其他一个版的 足友是做澳洲食品安全工作的。他解答过为什么鸡不用荷尔蒙 就是激素。美国的白羽鸡 就是kfc那种,这个品种本来就是养的短 饲料催的。我倒是很推荐 cornfed chicken,超市有卖,金黄的肉 出来的汤很好很好

杜娜 发表于 2015-2-5 00:07:25

如果这个fact是假的,那就只能自己养鸡了。FROm australia chicken meat federation 。
Some Frequently Asked Questions
Why do chickens grow so quickly?
Meat chickens, sometimes referred to as broilers, have been selectively bred over the past 60 years for growth rate and to be highly efficient at converting feed into meat. This is why they reach their optimal market weight and quality much more quickly than the strains of chickens from which they were originally derived.
In this respect modern meat chickens are also quite different from egg chickens (or layers). Chickens used to produce table eggs for human consumption are selectively bred for their capacity to produce large numbers of high quality eggs. For this reason, the meat chickens grow much more quickly and to a larger size than egg-layers.
Are chickens fed hormones in Australia?
Australian chickens are not fed hormones. Nor are they administered hormones in any other way. Their rapid growth occurs naturally due to selective breeding and optimal nutrition. Independent tests by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, as part of the National Residue Survey, confirm that Australian chicken meat is free of added hormones.
Why do many people wrongly believe that chickens are fed hormones?
We believe that one reason might be that people note that the chickens sold these days in supermarkets, butcher shops and chicken shops are much bigger than what they may recall them to have been 20 or 30 years ago. They may wrongly conclude that this must be the result of some unnatural intervention. The actual reason for this increased growth rate and size is the ongoing extensive selective breeding programs that have been adopted by the industry over the past 60 years, which aim for not only faster growing birds but also for stronger, meatier, more efficient and more disease resistant chickens.
What are the chickens fed?
Feed is made up mostly of grains, such as wheat, sorghum, barley, oats and lupins, as well as protein sources such as soybean meal, canola and other oilseed meals, and vitamin and mineral supplements.
Hormones are not added to chicken feed or administered to commercial meat chickens or breeders in Australia. Hormone supplementation is a practice that has been banned and not practiced in Australia for over forty years. The ban is supported by the Australian Chicken Meat Federation and adhered to by chicken meat producers across Australia.
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查看完整版本: 为什么蒸鸡蛋羹是白色的