3.9 - 6.0 mmol/L 为正常人空腹正常血糖值, 正常人空腹连续2次测试7或以上才能算糖尿病.
GP如果说你5.4血糖偏高, 他应该回去再读一遍书. I have same result as yours so I got the diabetes membership card permanently.
Have you done the GTT after that?
I am going to do this test again this week coz my GP advised me to do so.
I really don't want to do it again. 没有呢 我打算隔半年再去吧 多给自己点时间吧 期盼能翻盘 医生说有可能但几率不大 期望奇迹发生 你测了啥结果告诉我喔 我今天才去测的,距离上次一年半,我带了自己的血糖仪,2小时8.8,还是不好,但是比14低多了,属于糖耐量受损型。我们这种类型的应该是隐形糖尿病,幸亏怀孕发现了,要不等到有症状可就痛苦了。饮食上一定要注意,远离饮料,少吃碳水化合物。你过段时间一定再去测一次,祝你好运哦! 我六周去见医生两小时是9,医生说到11才确诊,让我半年后再去查,明天见医生,好紧张啊 谢谢分享 自己一定注意饮食了 希望我也能降点 为什么每个人说的值都不一样呢。 我现在35周,在rpa,一直要求空腹低于5。2的 呢? Your blood sugar level maybe back to normal after 1 year.
Don't worry dear, just keep on diet, think about the positive side, you can keep your figure slim.