楼主住在山区,家里的小女孩快5个月了,应该带着出来见见世面了。请问妈妈们都带宝宝去哪里玩?或者住在附近的妈妈们可以一起带宝宝出来玩。我住在crestwood一带。 当然crestwood reserve啦,网球场附近的那片儿童活动设施,经常有很多孩子和家长的。 谢谢回复,你也在那里活动吗? 我家领导经常带孩子在那一带出没,我也会带孩子骑车啥的,我家孩子都比你这大了,不过也有其他很多不同年龄的孩子在那玩的。溜达溜达就知道了。 in the morning, around 10:00, my wife will go to crestwood reserve with my little baby, there are some kids from 11 months to 2 years old, you will find them easily.Sorry, in office, not easy to input Chinese. 昨天遛达了,发现好几个中国妈妈带宝宝在玩,不错。你领导可能也是其一。 thanks for reply. I guess I've met your wife yesterday in crestwood. You have a 11month old boy? yes, my boy is 11 months, my wife have told me she maybe met you at there. we are living close to Crestwood Reserve.