Out of pocket expenses are your total child care fees less the amount of any Child Care Benefit and Jobs, Education and Training Child Care Fee Assistance you may be eligible for.
The amount of Child Care Rebate is based on 50% of your out of pocket expenses.
The maximum amount of Child Care Rebate you can get is $7,500 per child per year. The maximum amount payable is called the cap amount.
CCR 7500封顶 最好自己打電話去問 CCR应该有的呀.要看你的PROVIDER 报上去收了你多少钱,然后按比例退给你的. 如果他们还没报上去的话,中央链接就没有记录该退你多少. 你是不是选了三个月支付或者一年支付的呢? 谢谢楼上各位的回答~ 我觉得和我之前的理解也是没错的。。。现在的收入ccb是应该没有了,但是ccr是不受income影响的。。现在我的ccr也变成0了,所以我觉得还是centrelink搞错了,我下周打电话问问吧。。。(我ccr的payment也一直是每周付的,没有变过付款方式。。)