<br /><br />在BabyCenter 看到下面這個comment,對於貓睡娃娃的媽媽我非常有安慰作用。如果有白天晚上都睡的好好的寶寶,那真的是天使啊。(其实论坛上有很多宝宝都睡的很好,俺来安慰那些特例的,比如LZ本人)<br /><br />As a mom of many and a Lactation Consultant and PostPartum Doula, I have had the opportunity to see many babies and their sleep patterns. From what I see, and have learned is that babies fall into one of two categories: babies who nap a lot, and wake frequently at night, and those who sleep well at night, and rarely nap for more than a few minutes at a time. However, this is inborn. YOU, as parent have no way to change what kind of sleeper your baby is. I tell the moms who have babies who nap but wake at night, "At least you can sleep when the baby does in the day time." And the moms who have babies who sleep at night, but don't nap, "At least you get a decent night's rest." A baby can't sleep ALL the time, and in the rare cases when I see a baby who seems to sleep all the time, I get worried. They need wakefulness, to make eye contact learn to coo and talk, eat and gain weight, and LIVE. Celebrate what ever kind of baby you have. They are both wonderful, but tiring. :) 我们从出生白天就睡得很好,晚上的话,4个月之前睡得不好,会夜哭,1~3次不等现在5个多月,晚上睡11-12个小时不用吃奶不会醒,白天还是2个2个小时的小觉+1个1小时的傍晚nap
算是天使宝宝吧 你是来拉仇恨的 我朋友的宝宝很多白天晚上睡的都好的 当然都训练过 我女儿是我身边朋友孩子里唯一猫睡的 希望我家宝也是天使~
这晚上起来真的好累好困啊~~ 唉,我们家的4个月前基本就是半夜醒一次,喂奶。进入5个月后,要醒好几次啊,现在都7个月了,到底怎么训练啊 mm。。。你是让人来羡慕嫉妒恨的 55555 我也是很辛苦训练出来的呀
我认同lz的观点 天生的话 大概是会存在晚上睡得好白天睡不好 或者晚上睡得好 白天睡不好的情况
但总是觉得 如果都睡好了 那不是皆大欢喜么
所以就帮宝宝把夜奶戒了:) 加油哦!不要给孩子惯出坏毛病就好
现在是辛苦的~ 我来举下手
我家的是属于天生的乖娃,白天夜里都能自己入睡,不过我和家人也特别注意绝不抱睡和奶睡,从生下来就是吃完奶拍嗝拍醒放下去自己入睡,他在leap时也会不settle,小的时候是拍拍+白噪音,稍大一点过劳时就拍一会让他自己哭一会,现在是给他唱童谣再摸摸小脑袋轻轻的告诉他爸爸妈妈就在门外,你只要一醒我就来看你,他当然听不懂,但是这么安抚他会心理踏实很多。我几乎是在他醒来一发出声音就第一时间去看他,他现在知道醒来妈妈会出现,所以醒来总是睁着眼自己玩,我一去抱他就先给他一个大大的微笑,他也每次我一抱他就眯起眼开心的不得了(positive reinforcement).