不好意思搞混了,问的是panadeine,他们说nurofen比panadeine安全。panadol应该没事。 可以 没有问题 谢谢你啊!
那个热线是干嘛的呀?就是母乳期间能不能吃可以问这个热线对吗 对的。一开始我打到母婴热线,然后他们听说是问服药的,就给了我那个Poisoning热线的号码。 好的,谢啦~我google到了!是这个吧;
Poisons Information Centre - 24 Hour Telephone Advice Line
In Australia there are four Poison Information Centres operating in Queensland, New South Wales, Western Australia and Victoria.
Each centre has trained staff to provide telephone consultation to medical professionals and the general public in cases of acute and chronic poisonings - 24 hours a day.
The Australian Poison Information Centres provide toxicological advice on the management of exposures to prescription and non-prescription pharmaceuticals, household and industrial chemicals, plants, animal envenomations, pesticides and other agricultural products.