真是郁闷,白高兴一场。 What's happening to you? 移植后第6天自己拿验孕棒测了下两条线,但是突然想到我每三天就打一针HCG1500单位。这样不就是测出我打的HCG么 wait few more days to check.Good luck lady! 但是过几天都还要打HCG,这样就还是测不出来啊 Then you can wait until the formal test in hospital.
That is the most accurate. 真是想得太多了,压力太大,每天想啊查啊,也没结果,等待很痛苦 Just relax!
My friend got bb after IVF for just once.
So I know the whole process of it. It is not easy but worthy.
Hope you can be successful too! 安慰安慰,表心急,万一真的中了你的脾气还会影响到宝宝呢不是
尽量放松,看看让自己心情好的东西,宝宝会来的! 谢谢安慰,这滋味可真不好受啊。平时都不觉得肚子筋挛啊,现在觉得每一分钟都在。史上最漫长的一周了