之前发过两次玫瑰疹,都是高烧完了忽然出一身就退了。这次根本没发烧,就是忽然出红疹。精神,睡觉还可以,有点不爱吃饭。<br /><br />有妈妈有类似经验吗?谢谢 看医生啦。同城网人和你自己都不是医生,猜来猜去能解决问题吗? Thanks for nothing. that is not nothing, that is everything. All you need to do is taking him to see a doctor. Your child is sick, what else you can do besides that? Listen to another thousands unprofessonal opionions is not going to help your child. It could be allergy reaction, it could be all sorts of sickness when your child have hives, if it is swollen and rash on face, head, that means it could also swollen in the throat, it could even be anaphylaxis reaction. I am not a doctor, but I Am a professional childcare worker, my best advise is you to seek professional advise from docs . agreee 孩子有任何问题我是第一时间带她看医生。 吃过些什么吗?过敏反应 不过2小时之后能退有热到吗?heat rash 我家宝也是周六开始起疹子,以前从没有起过,也两岁多了。。脸上身上都是,偶尔会痒,他没有过敏的食物,所以也觉得很蹊跷,约了明天看医生 不明白你那么激动干什么,你能比我更关心我的孩子?