一个多月大的宝宝,总觉得有痰卡在喉咙,医生也建议每天喂水。<br /><br />但是每次把奶瓶给娃,娃都不喝,吞了也吐出来。用小勺子喂,也总吐出来。<br /><br />怎么办? 试一下用喂药的针管吧 试过了,她呛到了 我们最早喂水是刚出月子,是用喂药的塑料针管,每次喂水是很费劲,不过慢慢宝宝就习惯喝水了。现在16个月,喝水没有一点问题,喜欢喝,而且就是白开水。 我们家生在夏天,出了月子就喝水了!没办法呀,天气太热了啊!我觉得宝宝是知道喝水的,前提是他们真的很渴!
可以试着让宝宝运动一会,再喂水试试看 那你们怎么洗针管? 我们就是用开水烫一下,因为不确定是否可以放进消毒器里消毒。只是用来喝水,应该问题不大。 lz我女儿也是 但是我baidu好像叫喉喘鸣。是先天喉软骨发育不好 后面会改善。 为什么你的dr嚷多喝水? 可能帮助消化?国内来的亲戚也让宝宝多喝水 可以试试看杯子喂养 cup feeding
很奇怪为什么医生会让你给宝宝喝水,一般是不给六个月以下的宝宝喝水的,因为宝宝的胃很小,喝了水就喝不了更加营养的奶, 而且不管是母乳还是奶粉,都已经包含了水份。还有一个比较少见但是发生过的事情是宝宝喝太多水降低身体里的盐分会引起内部器官肿胀。
When can my baby drink water?
http://www.babycenter.com/408_wh ... nk-water_1368488.bc
In general, it's not a good idea to give your baby water until he's about 6 months old. Until then, he'll get all the hydration he needs from breast milk or formula, even in hot weather.
Giving a baby younger than 6 months old too much water can interfere with his body's ability to absorb the nutrients in breast milk or formula. It can also cause his tummy to feel full, which curbs his desire to feed. (While small sips of water probably won't hurt your baby, it's best to check with his doctor beforehand during those first six months.)
In rare cases, a baby who drinks too much water can develop a condition known as water intoxication, which can cause seizures and even a coma. Water intoxication happens when too much water dilutes the concentration of sodium in the body, upsetting the electrolyte balance and causing tissues to swell.
Adding too much water to your baby's formula not only risks water intoxication, it means that your baby is taking in fewer nutrients than he needs. Carefully follow the package directions for mixing powdered or concentrated formula and don't try to stretch formula by using more than the recommended amount of water.
In some instances – if your baby has gastroenteritis, for example – the doctor might advise you to give him an electrolyte drink like Pedialyte or Infalyte to help prevent dehydration.
Once your baby is 6 months old, it's okay to give him sips of water when he's thirsty. You still don't want to overdo it, though, or you might give him a tummy ache or make him too full to eat well. After his first birthday, when your baby's eating solids and drinking whole milk, you can let him drink as much water as he likes.