aoxiao168 发表于 2015-2-5 14:50:21
楼上说的更准确。这样说会感觉好一些。luckyboy123 发表于 2015-2-5 16:51:33
楼上说的更准确。这样说会感觉好一些。育龙团队 发表于 2015-2-6 03:47:39
I read the local forum, a lot of pregnant women have the same issues. they're having their 2nd, 3rd kids. they never got it with previous baby before. after they done extensive tests and checks the OB said they're fine. nothing to be worried, maybe just hormone is different when carrying different baby. and you're 36 weeks already. nothing should be worried. you will be fine. I got the same issue, but it's my first baby. i don't have much discharge, even with very dry underwear I still go the smell.but, no itchy or any other uncomfortable feeling. I will not worry about it.烟灰魂魄 发表于 2015-2-6 07:25:39
如果有这种气味,肯定是有炎症。咏随琪迹 发表于 2015-2-6 15:27:39
不一定是有问题,还是等生完了六周检查时查一下animarui 发表于 2015-2-6 20:02:54
如果分泌物多的话,有点像豆腐渣的感觉,很有可能是霉菌性阴道炎,如果选择顺产的话这个一定要检查治疗。→风之痕← 发表于 2015-2-7 05:26:36
but, many pregnant women checked and tested are all clear still have smells. hard to say.I am suffering the smells as well.websun01 发表于 2015-2-7 13:50:53
蓝大侠 发表于 2015-2-7 20:19:25
我也这样,只有第三个BB才这样,感觉很不舒服的气味jeans215 发表于 2015-2-7 22:32:07