我家宝宝现在两岁半,每天早晚都有刷牙,感觉刷的也还算认真的,而且每次她自己刷完以后我们也给她再刷一下,蛀牙是没有,可是牙齿缝和内侧有黑斑,请问要采取什么措施除斑吗?另外宝爸宝妈们也有遇到一样情况的吗?有啥高招支一个,谢谢啦 have you been to see the children dentist? Normally I do it for my daughter every half year and they will use a particular stuff to clean the teeth. Maybe that will help. yes, I had took her to see the dentist few months ago, the dentist said they can use some kind of sptater to remove the black stuff, but my daughter is too young to do it. so the dentist didn't do anything at that time.