乆ジ厷紸 发表于 2014-11-4 05:10:22


早上起床开始<br /><br />一天的奶和辅食应该怎么安排<br /><br />先奶还是辅食呢?同时吃还是中间要隔多久呢

九一个人 发表于 2014-11-4 12:03:48


ゞ蕶℃彽蜩↘ 发表于 2014-11-4 14:28:35

这个是买药的时候店家送的一本PANADOL的书,上面有各个阶段小孩的daily routine,我感觉还是比较贴切的,至少我问过几个朋友小孩的作息都跟这本书上差不多
A Typical Day - Around 10 Months
7:00am - Wake, breakfast
8:00am - Breast or bottle feed (180-240mL)
8:30am - Get dressed for the day
9:00am - Play
9:30am - Sleep
11:00am - Morning tea and cup of water or diluted juice
11.30am - Shopping or play group
12:30pm - Lunch 1:00pm - Play 2:00pm - Sleep
3:30pm - Afternoon tea and a cup of water or diluted juice
4:00pm - Walk to the park
5:00pm - Dinner
6:00pm - Bath, pyjamas, play
7:30pm - Settle to bed
8:00pm - Sleep (approximately 11 hours)

b7823282 发表于 2014-11-4 16:42:09


tt656592 发表于 2014-11-4 18:54:27

三顿,可能它嫌啰嗦,在午餐和晚餐上没写,基本都是吃完饭就给奶,社区护士说,就像我们大人吃晚饭也要喝杯coffee or tea,他们也要喝点什么
Baby now has three meals a day, plus morning and afternoon tea with a drink from a cup. They also need three milk feeds a day, after meals. Give them finger food at each meal, and a spoon to try feeding themselves.
Baby is now sleeping about 11 hours at night, with two sleeps during the day (1- 2 hours each). Remember to approach sleep time in a quiet, soothing way (and Playtime in an exciting way), so you cue them into knowing what’s expected. Giving these verbal and physical messages helps your child learn.
your baby may now be more active in sleep. If they wake and cry out, wait to see if they resettle - if not, try to resettle them quickly in the cot.

275498507 发表于 2014-11-5 01:35:27


savage314000 发表于 2014-11-5 04:01:10

谢谢。 我觉得这个routine 不错,我之前看一个医生也是这样讲的,要先吃辅食再吃奶,现在就更加确定了

夜丶听情歌 发表于 2014-11-5 15:32:38

7:30 breast milk 200ml
9:30 brekky
Around 12:00/12:30 lunch
&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; Then nap&nbsp;&nbsp;1.5-2 hours
3:00 breast milk 200-230 ml
6:00 dinner
7:30 breast milk 250 ml
8:30 sleep

吃饭和平时喝水 ,一天大概200ml
我女儿早晨起来一定要喝奶 我就随她,不着急改。

ap2br7iu0vy 发表于 2014-11-5 21:20:29


ronghee 发表于 2014-11-5 21:30:51


他一般六点多就起来因为晚上之前基本7点睡 现在尽量往后拖延了

7点 起来喝奶
9:50 睡 1-2小时
11:30 起床 喝一点奶
12:30 午餐
2点-2:30 午睡 一个小时左右, 出门推车的话只能睡半小时
起床后会再给一点奶, 但现在改成水果跟酸奶

MW说现在不用以奶,要多吃辅食了&nbsp;&nbsp;所以我会多加morring/afternoon tea给他
但是他好像习惯了起来就先喝点奶 所以我也就算了
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