粉絲25天大了。之前雖然說不是很規律,但是一般都是白天兩個半到三小時一吃,晚上三到四個小時一吃。<br />從昨晚開始忽然兩個小時多一點就起來閙,今天早上七點不到忽然大哭狂哭,和上一次吃就隔了一個半小時。一開始以為是脹氣,結果今天一整天都是一個半小時兩個小時不到就鬧著要吃。下午就是吃完就睡著,然後睡一個cycle,又要吃。<br />之前奶算是夠,一次吃一邊,大概25分鐘就夠了。他剛才那頓,居然嗑了快50分鐘,而且把兩邊都吃空了,中途到後期還特別有意見,吃著吃著又哭了,腳亂蹬,超級不耐煩。<br />沒奶了……他還不睡,要哄……再過半小時又要吃了……這怎麼回血啊。。。<br />這麽鬧騰了一天,我快崩潰了。如果真是growth spurt,我是不是今晚也沒得睡了啊……<br /><br />附一封我在網上看到的模擬猛長期的baby寫給媽媽的信。心有戚戚……<br /><br /><br />Dear Parents,<br /><br />I am your brand new, wonderful baby. I have very simple needs, but I cannot communicate them to you, therefore, I am a mystery. I also am changing very rapidly, and every day will be different. I promise you–DIFFERENT. Make no assumptions, there are no patterns, just when you think you know who I am and what I like, I will CHANGE. Oh, and let me tell you about my first growth spurt. It will happen sometime when I am 2-3 weeks old, and it will come out of nowhere, like a bolt of lightning. Up until my growth spurt, I may have been a good nurser. You may have been banking on me sleeping at least 2 hour stretches at a time. You may have thought you had figured out what kind of bouncing or rocking or swaying or singing I enjoyed. You may have been gaining some confidence with your new parenting skills. HAH! I am here to tell you that my growth spurt will throw all of this out the window. It won’t just throw it out the window, it will toss it up, spit on it, tear it to shreds, set fire to the shreds, and then throw the ashes out the window all done while laughing maniacally. During my growth spurt, I will DEMAND food every hour, on the hour, and when you offer me your breasts, I will flail at them and spit them out because they will be EMPTY and so inadequate for my growing needs. I will not just be fussier than usual, I will be INCONSOLABLE. I will introduce you to several of my more distressing cries which I have been saving for just this occasion: the high-pitched wail, the piercing shriek, the crying-so-hard-I-choke-and-stop-breathing-for-awhile, the so-red-in-the-face-you’ll-think-you-need-to-call-911—these and other specialty cries I prepared for you. I will not let you sleep. AT ALL. EVER. You might have thought other parents were just joking when they said they literally got NO sleep, but really, TRULY, you WILL NOT SLEEP. You will spend 24 hours trying to comfort me. You will pull your hair out. You will wonder where you can return me to. You will question the decision you made to have a baby. You will question whey you ever wanted to have sex, ever, in your life, instead of joining a convent at the tender age of 13. You will be forced to watch an all-night Hugh Grant movie marathon in bleary sleep-deprivation while I gnaw and masticate your nipples to a pulp in my unending demand for milk, of which you are so unable to provide for me. And then, finally, when I pass out from exhaustion after wailing for 8 hours, I will only sleep for 2 hours before beginning the cycle all over again. THIS IS MY GROWTH SPURT! BE AFRAID! BE VERY AFRAID!l<br /><br /> 应该是的。不要担心!都这么过来的。你就不停滴为,自己辛苦点。宝宝过几天就好了 应该是猛涨期 沒奶了他一邊吸一邊發脾氣,我也硬讓他吸麽? 跟我今天一样啊 非常不耐烦 总要吃 不睡觉 今天是第22天 粉絲早上都沒睡,中午吃了一次以後就是吃了睡,睡醒了就要吃。我現在聽到他嗚嗚的聲音就怕他是不是又醒了。。。
他從昨天凌晨到現在就睡了11個小時不到,估計今天又是不到13小時的睡眠了…… 说他吸是告诉妈妈身体需要produce more milk。我自己那时候到没有狂喂,就是能给尽量给,但猛涨期每天都好辛苦啊 猛涨期是很辛苦的,基本上挂在身上吃,不过一过去奶量就上来了,不用担心。 我也觉得好辛苦。昨晚每次都喂到睡着,在沙发上也不知道睡多久,醒了就把小家伙放回他小床上然后去眯个二十分钟左右他就又要吃了。。。。。 恩。。我忍!