安达电子 发表于 2014-12-27 09:34:59


wnz40458 发表于 2014-12-27 21:34:56


倾斜天秤 发表于 2014-12-27 22:39:34


按梦儿 发表于 2014-12-28 01:49:28




wangfeixiang 发表于 2014-12-28 13:45:33


lapoleon 发表于 2014-12-28 19:58:24



继往开来 发表于 2014-12-28 21:49:17


PHP老娃娃 发表于 2014-12-29 09:44:03

You're almost at the finish line (or more accurately, baby is). But getting there is going to take a little pushing — literally. Up until this point, you haven't been able to do much to speed along the process of childbirth, but things are about to change. With dilation complete, it's time to help your baby through the birth canal by pushing. Delivery generally takes 30 minutes to an hour (second and subsequent babies usually pop out a lot faster than first ones), but it can be as short as a few minutes — or as long as several hours. During this stage, your contractions should be more regular (usually about two to five minutes apart), but they'll still last for 60 to 90 seconds each.

What you can do: To get going, you'll move into the pushing position of your choice and, following the instructions of your practitioner or the hospital or birthing center staff, you'll push at regular intervals, usually three times with each contraction, or as you feel the urge. You might want to rest for one contraction if you're getting tired. Put all of your effort into each push, but maintain control, too — you don't want to push with your upper body or strain your face (this could actually leave you with black or bloodshot eyes or bruises on your face — not the best look for those first snapshots with baby). Here are some pushing tips:

Push as if you're having a bowel movement — the biggest one of your life. And speaking of bowel movements, put all your concentration and focus into the pushing — not into worrying about whether you'll be emptying your bowels or passing urine while you're at it (that happens to every delivering mom — and people who attend births for a living understand this, expect this, and don't think twice about it).
If you're propped up on your back, make sure you put your chin to your chest to push. This will help you focus your pushes to where they need to be. It might also help to look down below your navel so you remember where your pushes should originate from.
The nurses might tell you to hold your breath and push while they count to ten, but feel free to do what comes naturally if that makes you more comfortable. Follow the urges you feel to push rather than holding your breath, and if that means pushing for only five seconds per push, that's fine too.
Between contractions, you'll need to conserve your energy and rest up for the next round — pushing is labor (and delivery) intensive. If you become exhausted, your practitioner may suggest you stop pushing for a couple of contractions to regain some strength. At first, it may seem like you're pushing for nothing (and the baby is where?), but soon you'll be rewarded with results — and if you glance at the mirror provided by the birthing team, you'll see those results for yourself: Your baby's head appearing (or crowning). You'll need to keep in mind, though, that pushing is a two steps forward one step backward process — so don't become frustrated when your baby's head crowns and then disappears again (you're within shouting distance of the finish line now — and by all means shout if you need to!). Keep your eye on the prize (that little patch of baby emerging from between your legs), and you'll be holding him or her soon.

Once your baby's head has eased its way out, your practitioner will suction out any mucus from the nose and mouth, then help guide the shoulders and torso out and those cute little legs. You'll probably be able to hold your baby right away and you'll revel in that first lusty cry. Shortly after delivery, your baby's umbilical cord will be cut by your practitioner or your partner if he wants. It's also likely that your newborn will get a brisk rubdown, be wrapped (and get a cute little hat) to prevent heat loss, and have ointment placed in his or her eyes to prevent infection.
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