发表于 2014-8-17 01:41:10
发表于 2014-8-17 08:38:14
发表于 2014-8-17 20:23:08
centre link 那个规定很详细的,你可以自己再去问一下。
Time limits on claiming
You can start your claim for Parental Leave Pay up to 3 months before your child’s expected date of birth or adoption. You should claim early so we can help your employer get ready to provide your payments.
You may submit a claim up to 52 weeks after your child’s birth or adoption. However, to receive the maximum 18 weeks of Parental Leave Pay, you need to submit your claim within 34 weeks of your child’s birth or adoption.
Choose when you want your payment period to start
When you submit your claim, you need to tell us when you would like your Paid Parental Leave period to start. The start date is not the date your payment will start, it is the start of your entitlement period. Your Paid Parental Leave period can start from the day your child is born or adopted, or a later date. It cannot start before the birth or adoption of your child.
If you submit your claim within 28 days of your child's birth or adoption, you may request that your Paid Parental Leave period starts from your child’s date of birth or entry into care, or later.
If you submit your claim more than 28 days after your child's birth or adoption, you cannot receive Parental Leave Pay for a period before your claim was submitted.
Your Parental Leave Pay must be fully paid within 52 weeks from the date of birth or adoption. To receive the full 18 weeks of Parental Leave Pay, you will need to submit your claim, and choose a Paid Parental Leave period start date that is within 34 weeks of your child's birth or adoption.
For example, if you apply for your Paid Parental Leave period to start at 35 weeks, you can receive the payment for a maximum of 17 weeks; if you apply for it to start at 40 weeks, you can receive the payment for a maximum of 12 weeks, and so on.
Parental Leave Pay is paid from your start date for 18 weeks. This will be reduced if you:
•return to work
•are no longer the primary carer of your child
•leave Australia and no longer meet residence requirements
•claim or choose a start date that is more than 34 weeks after your child is born or enters your care
发表于 2014-8-18 08:01:05
发表于 2014-8-18 16:50:16
发表于 2014-8-19 00:12:49
如果在小孩子出生后28天之内把出生证明发给centre link, centre link 就会把钱从小孩子出生那天开始补齐。
也就是说最早小孩子出生那天开始领,但是肯定不可能那天就到手。我的理解payroll会把钱一起补给我,在centre link 把钱补给公司后。
发表于 2014-8-19 09:05:37
这个是不是就是所谓的baby bonus?还是说除此之外还有一个baby bonus一次发放的那个?大概几千块钱吧。
发表于 2014-8-19 16:58:50
发表于 2014-8-20 00:59:47
领这个就没有baby bonus了,两个只能领一个
发表于 2014-8-20 09:09:30
上centre link网站,有点烦,要填不少东西。