家有一女孩2岁,由于“品味太好”,什么东西都好,吃几天就不吃。感觉给她弄吃的真的太困难了。<br />求同龄小孩爱吃的食谱。 <br />谢谢 ~ 原料: 土豆,奶油,洋葱,盐,胡椒粉等制作方法:
• 土豆去皮,擦成丝, 加入盐和胡椒粉,拌入少量淀粉。
• 平底锅加热,放入奶油至融化后,将上面拌好的土豆丝平铺到锅中弄成一个饼的形状,上面放洋葱(可不放),以小火煎到金黄;翻面再将另一面煎至金黄。
• 可蘸番茄酱食用。
原料: 鲜肉末1勺,盐少许,葱末少许,小馄饨皮6片,肉汤1/2杯 ,紫菜少许。
原料: 无刺鱼肉,黑木耳,葱姜,调味料等
• 无刺鱼肉切成片,加入盐、鸡蛋清、湿淀粉上浆腌一下。
• 油倒入锅内加热,葱姜末炝锅后,将鱼片放入油锅煸一下收干,捞出沥干油待用。
• 锅里留余油,放入黑木耳,炒约3分钟。再放少许水,烧开。
• 放入鱼片,搅匀,略烧1分钟,然后勾芡出锅。
原料: 面包片,奶酪,蕃茄酱,火腿或肠,洋葱,西红柿等
• 西红柿切片,火腿切片,洋葱切丝。
• 面包片上抹上一层番茄酱或蛋黄酱(依个人喜欢),上面放上火腿,洋葱,西红柿片,也可依喜欢放入香菇,青豆,青椒等料,最后放上奶酪片 。
• 备好之后,把它们放入烤箱,温度不用太高,时间15分钟左右,奶酪完全化开即可。
• 鸡蛋切块;鸡蛋打到碗里搅打均匀,油锅入鸡蛋炒散,盛出。
• 起油锅,入番茄翻炒,加入糖,稍焖一下,再加入盐,翻炒片刻,加入鸡蛋,撒上葱、蒜末,翻炒片刻即可。
• 虾仁丁浇入湿淀粉,加少许盐和蛋清,抓散上浆。
• 油入锅烧热,鸡蛋打散倒入锅中,快速用筷子滑散,倒入上好浆的虾仁,翻炒一下;再倒入什锦丁翻炒,断生后倒入米饭,撒上盐和鸡精,翻炒均匀即可。
• 平底锅小火加热,将两片面包片切去四边入锅中烤至单面焦黄,取出。
• 锅内倒入少许油,将鸡蛋打入,煎成荷包蛋。
• 面包片没有烤过的一面朝上,涂上少许沙拉酱,放上火腿片,再放一片横切的西红柿,放一片奶酪,放上荷包蛋,最后盖上另一片面包片。
• 将三明治切成小块。
Ingredients: 300gm minced pork, 60gm potatoes (boiled and mash), 2 egg yolks, minced garlic, 2 tablespoon flour, pepper (optional), breadcrumbs and oyster sauce.
1. Mix all ingredients together except breadcrumbs.
2. Shape into balls and flatten lightly.
3. Coat the pork cakes with breadcrumbs and fry over moderate heat until golden brown.
Ingredients: 1 small carrots, ½ small zucchini, ¼ small onion (chopped), 25gm frozen peas, 275gm beef, pork or chicken mince, 35gm breadcrumbs, tomato chutney, ½ egg (beaten).
1. Preheat oven at 210°C
2. Grate the peeled carrot and zucchini and squeeze out as much liquid as possible.
3. Place the carrot and zucchini into a bowl, add the mince, breadcrumbs, onion, peas, tomato chutney and egg.
4. Use your hands to mix until well combined.
5. Divide mixture into 6 portions, you can either shape into balls and flatten lightly or place the divided mixture into muffin tin and press firmly and smoothing the tops.
6. Bake in the oven for 20 mins or until golden brown on top and cooked through.
7. You can serve with mashed potato and tomato sauce.
Ingredients: half a can of Spam (mash), 1 sheet of frozen puff pastry, egg yolk to brush over pastry.
1. Preheat oven at 200°C.
2. Place the mashed Spam onto the puff pastry and roll it up.
3. Cut the long sausage roll into the size you want and brush the Spam sausage roll with egg yolk and bake in the oven until the pastry is puffed and golden brown.
Ingredients: Frozen puff pastry (cut into round shapes), 3 eggs (beaten), diced bacon, shredded cheese, pepper (optional).
1. Preheat oven at 200°C.
2. Place the cut pastry into muffin baking tin.
3. Mix the beaten eggs, diced bacon and shredded cheese together in a bowl.
4. Pour the egg mixture into the pastry lined muffin baking tin and bake in the oven until done.
Ingredients: Can tuna, can corn kernels, tartar sauce and pasta.
1. Cook the pasta and drain.
2. Combine tuna, corn kernels, tartar sauce and the cooked pasta and mix well.
Ingredients: Pasta, can corn kernels, cherry tomatoes (halved), ham (chopped), grated cheese and mayonnaise.
1. Cook the pasta and drain.
2. Combine ham, corn, tomatoes, cheese and cooked pasta in a bowl.
3. Add the mayonnaise and mix well.
Ingredients: 1 cup SR flour, 45gm margarine, 80ml milk, extra flour, tomato paste or pizza sauce, grated cheese, ham (chopped), can pineapple pieces (optional) and extra milk.
1. Preheat oven to 210°C.
2. Drain the pineapple pieces.
3. Sift flour into a bowl, rub margarine into flour until it resembles fine breadcrumbs.
4. Add milk and use a butter knife to mix until the mixture begins to hold together.
5. Remove the dough from the bowl and knead lightly on a floured board until smooth.
6. Use a rolling pin to roll out the dough into a rectangle.
7. Spread the pizza sauce evenly over the dough, sprinkle with cheese, ham and pineapple.
8. Starting from a long side, roll up firmly to form a log.
9. Brush the edge with milk and press down firmly to seal the log.
10. Cut crossways into equal portions and place the scrolls on a baking tray lined with baking paper.
11. Bake in the oven for 25 – 30 mins or until golden brown. 学习 加几个吧
3南瓜饼 -参照2楼土豆饼
5有没有炒萝卜丝,我儿子超爱萝卜丝 mark 我家的几乎只靠牛奶维生,很少吃正餐 我家的也是..
今天搶著要吃的, 明天求他也不肯吃 感谢分享