2. 早上出门带个水瓶可能更方便,俺个人觉得矿泉水没烧开,蒸馏水又缺微量元素,都不是好选择,而且宝宝的水瓶更方便婴儿喝
3. 一般还是会穿上衣,可以防紫外线,下面就是个游泳尿布,个人觉得尿布的真正作用在于兜便便-_-b,有专用的宝宝游泳圈,俺家老三小时候特别喜欢,当然,不是所有的小孩都喜欢,比如老二就不喜欢-_-b 原来是这样的啊.那我再去买件泳衣 同问~~~~ I started to take my boy to public swimming pool when he was 6 months old, you can buy Huggies swimming nappy from supermarkets, the nappy can be worn alone or you can buy swimming pants/suit on top of it. There is reusable swimming nappy/pants available in Target, BigW and Kmart, it can be worn alone as well.