6 month baby wake up at night and play without crying
my baby is 6 month, she usually can sleep whole night without feeding at night, but recent days she woke up at about 4AM and play, smile & talk by herself, no cry but exciting and happy. I waited her to fall sleep again for 1-2 hrs, but she was still exciting until I feed her to sleep again.<br /><br />Any mother have similar experience? should I feed her or just let her fall asleep again by herself? my baby is a little bit over weight, so I'm worries I feed her extra at night may lead over feeding. sorry I can't type chinese. 我家宝宝快三岁了,到现在还会后半夜醒来,把我叫过来她房间,然后她就自己玩自己的,玩个一两个钟头再自己入睡。我之前也试过好好哄她再入睡,但是都是失败的。后来就随她去了,她玩她的,我睡我的
不过现在发现,如果她没有午睡,晚上就会一夜天亮,偶尔起来上洗手间。不过你家宝宝还小,不给午睡的话,应该不行 我们家最近也这样,已经白天cut小觉到两觉了,貌似还是不够累,精力还是很旺盛要玩。 没关系的,宝宝不闹就行了,玩累了自己会睡的。 延长清醒时间 三觉-2觉,看看哪个适合。不要喂奶 晚上何时睡觉?白天睡觉情况如何?早醒最大的坏处是养成这个习惯,家长以后都要早起陪玩,那是长期煎熬啊。 sleep at 8-9pm at night, now she start to yell at about 4 am, sometimes earlier. sometimes she just yell without eyes opening. very wired.