请问有谁知道little learning school at Wahroonga and Waitara ?
Little learning school at Wahroonga and Waitara 的如何呀?你们家小孩有在这里吗? 老师nice吗? 环境如何? 尿布换的勤吗?谢谢了<br /> 去过几个星期,后来LG公司的CC排上了就换了。他们家很新,玩具家居都不错,老师也可以,小贵。 去过几个星期,觉得老师太年轻,经验不是很足,也不太有热情,不会再送小孩去那了 Thanks. which centre are you used to send you kid ? Wahroonga or waitara thanks, which centre? Waitara waitara yesterday morning, I went to Wahroonga centre before i work, The director seems that she forgot appointment with me and she is 15 mins late at least. I didn't feel educators love kids and they are just looking after food and nappy change.For sleeping place, only 5 cots for 20 kids and. I start to hesitate to send my kid there but it is close to my home. what I am going to do? i am not sure other childcare nearby my home got vacancies. My daughter went to Waitara centre then transferred to Wahroonga one last year when she turned 3. Don't go if you have other choice. is there any recommended childcare surrounding?
I live in that area as well