<br /><br />每次问院长要statement,院长都说“我发了呀”我说没收到呀,院长说,那我也没办法啊,我说那你再发一遍,可是永远还是收不到。<br />连续2个月也收不到, 收的费用也让我很不解,圣诞期间幼儿园关了三周,可是仍然在收费,从银行扣款记录,显示扣了4周半的,我也不知道扣的是什么。<br />我们最近是把幼儿园减少天数了的,因为我work from home,可是收的确实4周半全职的钱。<br />平时都只是一次扣2周的钱,不知道放了假,还减了时间,为什么反而多扣了全职二周半的钱(如果按照我们减完的天数算,相当于快2个月的钱)<br /><br />该怎么办?不想和院长闹翻,怕她对孩子不好 我的email没问题,其他邮件都能收到,圣诞节三周假幼儿园之前说过是不收费的 所有事情都black and white 的问。be assertive, 收不到email 没隔两三天问一次。顺便找其它CC吧,如果这家这么不靠谱。 或者干脆把direct debit 停掉,他们收不到钱自然要和你联系。 就是不知道该怎么assertive,可能我这人说话嘴太软了,人家就是不理会我也担心他们如果就是不想给,我硬要,会不会影响孩子 不知道幼儿园有没有义务给家长发statement? 不知道幼儿园有义务给家长发statement吗? 我也建议把direct debt停掉,直到给statement为止。你说可能是你邮箱有问题,最近都收不到邮件,麻烦院长能不能print out hard copy给你。 当然有, 收了你的钱,必须要给statement啊。 比如我们这个cc就是周一统一direct debt,周五统一发statement (email)。 Of course 有!
Dear xxx,
We have not received the statement for the period from dd/mm -dd/mm, and would appreciate it if you can send it to us ASAP.
Thank you and regards,
Hi xxx,
I refer to my request to your childcare centre on dd/mm, and that we still have not received the required statement, can you please send it to us by dd/mm (give them a week's time).
Hi xxx,
This is the third time that I am writing to you for the payment statement for the period of when-to-when, as we still haven't received the requirement, we may have to review our enrolment with your center, and we shall have the right to review the financial arrangement with your center.
I am happy to discuss this with you further on email or at a face-to-face meeting, and I hope this can be resolved ASAP.
你也准备好要换CC了... 问过其它家长他们有类似情况吗! 楼上的要存起来备用