Income test for Family Tax Benefit B的一些疑问
If you are the secondary earner and your partner earns $150,000 or less, you can still get some FTB Part B if your income is below:<br /><br />$27,065 a year, if your youngest child is under 5 years of age, or<br />$21,043 a year, if your youngest child is 5 - 18 years of age<br /><br /><br />从官网上看到这个,请问各位足友,这个收入是基于上个财政年呢还是就近期收入来预估的?此外,rental是否算在其中,还是算负扣税后的rental?<br /><br />谢谢! 1. 看当年的。年度报税后,多退少补。2. 收入算负扣税之前的。
其实你全年收入$5329以下,才能拿全额。 有用的信息