儿子幼儿园有一个百日咳,儿子这几天咳嗽的也厉害,看了几个gp都说不像是百日咳也没有给做百日咳测试,想问一下4岁左右感染百日咳大概多久能好啊吃消炎药就可以啦吗有没有有经验的妈妈呢分分感谢 小时候不是有打百日咳疫苗吗?怎么还会传染? 晕,这段时间不要去CC了吧,百日咳潜伏期蛮长的,先在家里休息一阵子避避风头吧 不是有百日咳疫苗吗 PreventionImmunisation with a dTpa-containing (diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis) vaccine is the best way to reduce the risk of whooping cough in children. The combination vaccine, recommended as part of routine childhood immunisation, is free on the National Immunisation Program Schedule. To receive a child pertussis immunisation, visit your local doctor or immunisation provider. It is important to note that although the vaccine is provided at no cost, a consultation fee may apply.
In addition, The Australian Immunisation Handbook – 10th edition Alternatively, dTpa can be given to women during the third trimester of pregnancy. 疫苗宝宝当然是打过的,但有效率不是很高。 打过育苗一样会被传染的啊咳好担心啊家里还有个小的 只知道百日咳潜伏期很久,而且孩子几岁之前都有被传染的可能 我上次网上查了,好像前7天是普通感冒咳嗽,之后2-3周会巨咳,有鸡鸣的声音。咳一阵进入恢复期要1-2个月才好。