Hi mums, <br />currently at work. can't type in Chinese. Sorry.<br /><br />We decided to move back to Beijing for about 3-4 years with our 18 month old daughter. What do you think is worth taking over with us for my daughter? we will come back to Sydney every Christmas time to visit family and stock up a bit. We will ship our stuff over this time. So clothes, books, toys, vitamins, medication, food, accessories etc. anything you can think of to help her grow healthily and happily, please recommend. <br /><br />I know I can probably find most of the stuff in China now, but I haven’t lived in Beijing for more than 10 years now. And we’re moving to a new area that I’ve never lived before. I think it’ll take me quite a while to get my head around to find good things there. <br /><br />Because of my husband’s work, everything needs to happen very quickly, I’m doing everything by my myself in a rush, just worry about I can’t think through things thoroughly. SO HELP and THANKS.<center><img style='max-width:90%;' src='data/attachment/forum/caiji/14386542211.jpg' /></center> <br /><br />Things I got so far: kids vitamin gummies, cold & cough lollipops, pawpaw cream, Panadol & nurofen children. <br /> 干净的空气和水,其他的代购都能解决~~ 国内有钱都能买到,大把代购。到了北京先去买个空气净化器吧。 回去干嘛?前几周才回去过,家里喝的,做饭做菜都是用得很好的瓶装水,普通矿泉水都不敢喝。吃的食材都是去专卖进口产品的超市买的。空气质量挺差的,没有几天能见到蓝天的。北京估计更差! yes for sure. already bough the air purifier and water filter etc.I understand I can buy them while I'm in China. just thinking why not taking some stuff while I can. also as I said, I wouldn't be able to get my head around so soon after I move back. I KNOW.
trust me, I didn't CHOOSE this. but it is what it is. all I can do now is to do my best to minimize the impact on my daughter. that's why I'm asking mums for suggestions about what I can take over. 国内好多小孩子小小年纪就哮喘,环境实在太差了。能留在这边还是留下吧~~ 或许回国赚钱多一点,可是生活,饮食,医疗,交通都是问题。 大部分的东西都可以某宝或者代购解决。囤货也不太可能一次囤一年的。目前孩子需要的东西都带上就是了。 多留几个可靠代购的号码; 食品肯定不用多带,带些小孩用的,不过这些国内都能买到吧. 奶粉带足,听说过在寄的路上有奶粉被偷换的,而不是每个代购给你的都是真的