求推荐burwood croydon 附近的 childcare 或者 fdc
打算快到一岁送 听说都是长waitinglist, 新妈没经验 。大家又知道好的么 ? 谢谢先 , 加分 up 没人看见吗 我顶 这个要爸妈自己去看,别人说没有用的最好是大牌子连锁吧,或者问问council有没有推荐的
我推荐我们的客户GOODSTART EARLY LEARNING 谢谢楼上信息。 主要是老师怎么样 人员流动是否很多这个只有去上的的才知道 光看看不出来啊 My baby in Burwood Woodstock Childcare now
I've sent him to cc when he was about 11 months. Now he is almost 13 months. He's adapting quite well and only cried for about 5 days.
This childcare has 2 staff who can speak Mandarin and my mum can talk to them about what happened when she drops off and picks up my baby. Most of the staff are permanent.
Hope this can help you. 具体不清楚,真的去了才知道,我孩子11月才出生,呵呵
等着lz先去试试 有croydon 的么?