转: 如何鼓励孩子的独立性
今天宝宝的CC发的邮件提到如何鼓励孩子的独立性,个人觉得很值得借鉴,特别是象我这样的新手妈妈。<br />希望能帮助到没有经验的妈妈们。<br /><br />How we can encourage independence<br /><br />1. Help your child make decisions by offering a small choice of two things. <br /><br />2. Give them little responsibilities, such as putting away toys or helping you to get the lunch ready. <br /><br />3. Get them involved in the weekly shop by following simple instructions, such as 'we need three red apples', or ‘ can you get the bread on the bottom shelf'.<br /><br />4. Show enthusiasm when your child tries to help, even if it'll take longer. Recognise any tasks they have accomplished <br /><br />5. Praise their ability. This is necessary for a child to believe they are capable of doing things and that it was their own skill that led to success. <br /><br />6. Tempting as it is to say, 'I'll do it,' say 'let me show you how' instead. That way, your child's learning new skills and not relying on you to do everything for them.<br /><br />7. Encourage them to self-feed. Yes, it's messy, but it's also an achievement that will encourage independence. <br /><br />8. Point out why things are dangerous or unacceptable without belittling the motivation to do things on their own. For example, using a sharp knife to help with dinner may seem like a good idea when your child has seen you do the same, but a butter knife is more appropriate. <br /><br />9. Avoid using the word 'no' unless something is dangerous or clearly wrong. <br /><br />10. Respect a child's feelings and fears. Even if it seems silly to you, ask them why they are afraid and then take time to talk about it.<br /> 学习中, 谢谢lz 分享 非常好,谢谢 我能很骄傲的说我家都做得了吗? 我们也是这样的 不过小孩性格也是天生的 我女儿就是很独立 很小就要要求什么都自己做那种。 唉,我们家这个也是,你帮她做了她很不爽,非要自己重新来一遍。你要帮她放好鞋子书本玩具什么的她还跟你急-从一岁多不到两岁就是这样子,犟的很...这样的性格有好有不好。以后太犟不要别人的帮忙,自己苦累(像我的性格就是宁愿自己累死都不要双方父母帮任何的事情)。好处是习惯自己靠自己,谁有那个责任和义务帮你一辈子呢? 哈,我家也是这样性格。楼主贴的那些很多都是潜意识行为,如果家长本身性格就独立很自然会这样做了。我觉得呢,教育应该顺着孩子性格来,如果孩子性格比较依赖的,也不需要强迫他变成所谓独立,从自信和安全感方面培养,效果会更好 哎呦,我也希望我们这位能不独立点,那种等着大人伺候的看起来好养活多了。 担心的太早了。若干年前我大儿子也是这样的,看看现在。。。 。 哈哈,是不是小时候什么都抢着自己来,大了什么都不愿做了。我自己就是。估计娃娃以后也一样,别看他现在鞍前马后,忙进忙出。