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有关103普通父母移民几问:<br />
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1.form 47PA, Question 11, 我父母有来过澳洲, 但我找不到visa number, 我可以选择unsure吗?<br />
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2.form 47PA, part J-Details of other family members, 我父母的父母已过身, 我有他们出生日期等资料, 但没有任何相关文件来證明这些资料, 怎麽辨? <br />
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3.form 47PA, Part Q 的checklist列明:<br />
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Documents to prove your identity – a certified copy of your birth registration showing both parents’ names. If you do not have a birth certificate or are unable to get one, you must provide a certified copy of the identification pages of at least one of the following documents:<br />
•passport<br />
•family book showing both parents’ names<br />
•identification document issued by the government<br />
•document issued by a court that verifies your identity.<br />
If you are unable to provide one of these documents, you must provide other acceptable evidence that you are who you claim to be.<br />
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这个意思是不是只要有passport, 就不用提供 "family book showing both parents’ names"?<br />
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Iwouldgivethemboth,familybookandpassport 每天顶一顶,金豆到手 {:4_97:}看看