AcupImpenuimi 发表于 2015-5-19 11:35:49


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<strong>首先声明,本人不是中介,这里纯粹将自己办理和研究的心得拿出来给大家分享。想着由于移民局马上7月1号就要停止受理普通类父母移民签证了,应该是有很多人最近在抓紧时间递交,希望自己的心得能够帮助到大家,仅此而已!</strong><br />
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澳洲的移民类签证一般都是家庭类签证,意思就是说一个主申请人可以连带自己的配偶和子女一同申请。但是自己的父母却不被包含在家庭类签证中。所以当子女拿到了澳洲的永久居留签证,即永居,又或PR(Permanent Residence),亦或所谓的绿卡,满足一定的条件后(下文阐明),就可以开始给父母申请移民签证了<br />
前提条件:<br />
子女中有一人或多人已经拿到澳洲的永居签证,并已经在澳洲生活2年<br />
任何一个已经拿到澳洲永居签证或者澳洲国籍的人作为担保人,一般为自己的子女<br />
满足家庭成员配比,即家庭中有一半以上成员已经在澳洲<br />
签证类型:<br />
<strong>如果父母已经在澳洲境内</strong><br />
高龄父母804永居签证 Aged Parent (Residence) visa (subclass 804)<br />
移民局承诺13年之内一定受理,目前平局速度9年<br />
贡献类高龄父母864永居签证Contributory Aged Parent (Residence) visa (subclass 864)<br />
快速通道,移民局没有承诺受理时间,但是目前受理情况是1.5年<br />
贡献类高龄父母884临时签证Contributory Aged Parent (Temporary) visa (subclass 884)<br />
2年的临时签证,适用于2年后转贡献类签证<br />
贡献类高龄父母884转864永居签证Contributory Aged Parent (Residence) visa (from subclass 884 to subclass 864)<br />
贡献类父母173到143永居签证Contributory Parent (Migrant) visa (from subclass 173 to subclass 143)<br />
适用于暂时拿不出高额的赞助费,可先申请2年的临时签证,2年后交赞助费转永居签证<br />
<strong>如果父母仍在澳洲境外</strong><br />
父母103永居签证Parent (Migrant) visa (subclass 103)<br />
移民局承诺13年之内一定受理,目前平局速度9年<br />
贡献类父母143永居签证Contributory Parent (Migrant) visa (subclass 143)<br />
快速通道,移民局没有承诺受理时间,但是目前受理情况是1.5年<br />
贡献类父母173临时签证Contributory Parent (Temporary) visa (subclass 173)<br />
2年的临时签证,适用于2年后转贡献类签证<br />
贡献类父母173转143永居签证Contributory Parent (Migrant) visa (from subclass 173 to subclass 143)<br />
适用于暂时拿不出高额的赞助费,可先申请2年的临时签证,2年后交赞助费转永居签证<br />
选择适合的签证进行申请<br />
高龄类签证:男65岁,女60岁,如果不能同时满足条件,需要单独提交<br />
贡献类签证:需要额外向澳洲政府缴纳一定的费用(就是我们俗称的赞助费),后文会详细介绍签证收费标准<br />
普通类签证:只要满足只有永居签证的子女在澳洲已经生活2年的前提条件就可以申请<br />
收费标准:<br />
目前来说移民局每年都会变更签证的申请费用,点击这里查看最新的收费标准<br />
基本上收费分2步:<br />
1. 递交签证申请时交签证申请费<br />
2. 签证准签前移民局会通知交保证金(用户向移民局保证父母在澳洲的时候生活有保证,根据签证类型的不同几年后退还),贡献类签证申请者交赞助费<br />
拿2013-2014财年(2013.07-2014.07)收费标准来看,移民局的收费是按人头收费的,首先每种签证有一个基本申请费(只涵盖主申请人),每增加一个副申请人,在基础收费的标准上叠加副申请人费用<br />
例如普通父母类103永居签证,你需要支付基础签证费2370澳币,然后每增加一个副申请人加1185澳币(如果副申请人未满18岁则为595澳币),签证准签前移民局会通知缴纳保证金<br />
又如贡献类父母143永居签证,你需要支付基础签证费2370澳币,然后每增加一个副申请人加1185澳币(如果副申请人未满18岁则为595澳币),签证准签前移民局会通知缴纳保证金和赞助费<br />
签证申请流程:<br />
1. 填表:所有表格可以从这里下载<br />
a. 47pa(普通类父母)表或47pt表(贡献类父母)<br />
b. 47a表:18岁以上家庭成员表<br />
c. 40表:相关担保人信息,一般为自己已获永居签证的子女<br />
d. 80表:每个申请人需要填写一张80表,例如父母双方需要填写2张80表<br />
e. 956表:授权自己子女为全权代表和移民局打交道<br />
2. 递交申请<br />
3. 拿到排队代码<br />
4. 补充证明材料<br />
补充证明材料可以后期进行,只要在签证被分配到移民官之前将相对于的材料补充齐全就行了,也就是说你有好几年可以准备的<br />
以下是一份材料清单示例<br />
If you are in Australia, certified copies of the passports or travel documents you, your partner and your dependants used to enter Australia, and of any passports held since then.<br />
如果你在澳洲境内,护照复印件,找邮局或者警察局签名&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />
Documents to prove your identity – a certified copy of your birth registration showing both parents’ names. If you do not have a birth certificate or are unable to get one, you must provide a certified copy of the identification pages of at least one of the following documents:&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<br />
• passport&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<br />
• family book showing both parents’ names&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<br />
• identification document issued by the government&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<br />
• document issued by a court that verifies your identity.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<br />
If you are unable to provide one of these documents, you must provide other acceptable evidence that you are who you claim to be.<br />
护照复印件&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />
4 recent passport-sized photographs (45mm x 35mm) of yourself and any other applicant included in the application. These should be only of the head and shoulders and should show the person facing the camera and against a plain background. You should print the name of the person on the back of the photograph.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<br />
4张护照照片<br />
Certified copies of birth certificates of all your children (showing names of both parents) or the family book (showing names of both parents).<br />
子女的出生证明&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />
Certified copies of birth certificates of all persons included in the application.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<br />
出生公证<br />
Certified copies of documents to verify custody and access arrangements for children under 18 years of age (unless both parents of the child are included in the application). <br />
子女小于18岁的抚养权材料证明<br />
Evidence that your sponsor is a settled Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />
担保人澳洲签证复印件,邮局或者警察局签名<br />
If you or anyone included in the application is (or has been married), certified copies of the marriage certificate(s).&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />
结婚证公证<br />
If anyone included in the application has been divorced or widowed, a certified copy of the divorce decree absolute or the death certificate of the deceased person (as appropriate).&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />
如果已经离婚,离婚证公证<br />
If anyone included in the application has changed his or her name (eg. by marriage or deed poll), a certified copy of evidence of the name change.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />
如果你曾经更改过名字,相关材料公证<br />
Evidence of your relationship to your sponsor.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />
担保人和你的关系证明<br />
Evidence of where all your children reside (eg. passport, citizenship or residence certificate).&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />
子女的澳洲签证复印件<br />
If any child included in the application is adopted, certified copies of the adoption papers.<br />
如果有领养孩子,相关材料公证<br />
If you have served in the armed forces of any country, certified copies of military service record or discharge papers.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />
如果曾经服役,相关材料证明<br />
A completed form 40 Sponsorship for migration to Australia from your sponsor.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />
完成40表<br />
A completed form 47A Details of child or other dependent family member aged 18 years or older, for each dependant, aged 18 years or over, of you and/or your partner.<br />
完成47A表<br />
5. 分配签证官<br />
6. 缴纳保证金,贡献类签证需缴纳赞助费<br />
保证金:<br />
贡献类签证需要向澳洲政府(centrelink)缴纳主申请人10000澳币,每个副申请人4000澳币的保证金,10年后返还<br />
普通类签证需要向澳洲政府(centrelink)缴纳主申请人5000澳币,每个副申请人2000澳币的保证金,2年后返还<br />
赞助费:<br />
贡献类签证需要向澳洲政府(centrelink)缴纳每个申请人43600澳币赞助费<br />
7. 准签<br />
所有有关父母类移民签证的信息可以在这里找到,所有相关表格可以在这里下载<br />
一般问题:<br />
1. 如何我的父母以探亲签证的形式已经在澳洲境内,能否申请103签证<br />
这个问题取决于你父母获得的访问类签证是否有8503不继续逗留条款。如果签证上有8503条款,则不能申请<br />
2. 我已经申请了103排队签证,能否转成贡献类签证<br />
可以。需要通知移民局取消103申请后,重新递交贡献类签证申请。已经排队的时间不累积<br />
3. 担保人没有固定收入可以吗?<br />
只要担保人或者担保人的配偶有固定收入即可,填写40表的时候有相关问题<br />
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Nawncreesse 发表于 2015-5-19 17:34:08


猎鹰预测 发表于 2015-5-20 02:58:18


89gyhuemu2 发表于 2015-5-20 13:07:42


fng6g2b9l 发表于 2015-5-20 22:32:38


同性之间 发表于 2015-5-21 05:18:42


zhuyi123 发表于 2015-5-21 10:09:30


毗蓝罡风 发表于 2015-5-21 14:13:38


27udx21m 发表于 2015-5-21 18:03:50


Geolagiazilla 发表于 2015-5-22 01:17:04

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查看完整版本: 最近父母类签证比较火,分享一下自己研究的心得