xzcrvnh1s 发表于 2011-2-11 12:47:10


本来是打算走121 ENS的,后来发现所需时间比较长至少7个月,公司建议走457 WORKING VISA,4年的,然后到澳洲境内再申请856.<br />
<br />
想问一下各位457登陆的大大,有没有类似的经验。<br />
如果我已经拿到4年的OFFER,登陆后是否可以直接申请856 ON SHORE的ENS。我在中国有5年多的工作经验,这次是从上海分公司直接申请悉尼分公司的相关职位的。<br />
<br />
或者说如果我工作2年,再申请856的话,我拿457的时间算不算移民监啊?<br />
<br />

nuttArexire 发表于 2011-2-11 23:28:24



宰相陆贞 发表于 2011-2-12 00:43:42

1. 我记得ENS 当时有3种情况,一个澳洲工作满2年,这样不用做职业评估;一个工作不满2年但要做职业评估;还有一个是年薪超过多少多少的。。
2. 新政策,只要合法的签证,都算在移民监之内. 合法签证4年(从登陆那天算起),其中PR时间至少1年,4年之内离开澳洲时间不能超过1年,最后申请之日起不能超过90天。


xzcrvnh1s 发表于 2011-2-12 05:26:09

我个人也是PREFER 121多一点,但是公司希望我尽快过去。


hfpj5295 发表于 2011-2-12 11:41:36


xzcrvnh1s 发表于 2011-2-12 14:41:32


1.句話旳溫馨 发表于 2011-2-12 15:11:26


5y3n5k9u93 发表于 2011-2-12 17:29:29


flvl8211 发表于 2011-2-13 03:52:28



Eligibility requirements

To be eligible for permanent residency under this visa, you must meet all of the following requirements at the time of lodging an application:

&nbsp; &nbsp; * you must hold a qualifying visa
&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;See: Qualifying Visas
&nbsp; &nbsp; * the nominated position must relate to an occupation listed on the ENSOL.
&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;See: Skilled Occupation Lists (formerly known as Form 1121i)

You must also meet one of the following requirements:

&nbsp; &nbsp; * have worked full-time in Australia in the nominated occupation on a Subclass 418, 421, 422, 428, 444, 457 or 461 temporary residence visa for the last two years prior to the visa application being made (including at least the last 12 months with the nominating employer)
&nbsp; &nbsp; * have been nominated to fill a position with a base salary of more than AUD250 000 per annum (excluding superannuation or allowances)
&nbsp; &nbsp; * have had your skills assessed as suitable by the relevant skills assessing authority and, unless exceptional circumstances apply, have at least three years full-time work experience in the occupation before the visa application is lodged. A list of assessing bodies can be found in the Employer Nomination Scheme Occupation List (ENSOL).

You must also:

&nbsp; &nbsp; * have an employer who is willing to sponsor you for permanent residency
&nbsp; &nbsp; * demonstrate that you have the appropriate skills, qualifications and/or experience to fill the position
&nbsp; &nbsp; * meet any mandatory licensing, registration or professional membership requirements which allow you to work unsupervised and without further training
&nbsp; &nbsp; * be under 45 years of age
&nbsp; &nbsp; * provide a letter of appointment or a contract signed by both the employer and yourself
&nbsp; &nbsp; * have vocational English language ability.
&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;See: Vocational English Language Requirement

Exemption from eligibility requirements

Under some circumstances, visa applicants may seek exemption from skill, language or age eligibility requirements.
See: Exemption from Eligibility Requirements

Eligibility requirements

To be eligible for permanent residency under this visa, you must meet all of the following requirements at the time of lodging an application:

&nbsp; &nbsp; * the nominated position must relate to an occupation listed on the ENSOL
&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;See: Skilled Occupation Lists (formerly known as Form 1121i)
&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Note: You cannot apply for this visa if the nominated position does not relate to an occupation on the ENSOL

You must also meet one of the following requirements:

&nbsp; &nbsp; * you must have your skills assessed as suitable for the nominated position by the relevant skills assessing authority. A list of assessing bodies can be found in the (ENSOL)
&nbsp; &nbsp; * you must have at least three years full-time work experience in the occupation before the visa application is lodged


&nbsp; &nbsp; * have been nominated to fill a highly paid senior executive position with a salary of more than AUD250 000 per annum (excluding superannuation or allowances).

You must also:

&nbsp; &nbsp; * have an employer who is willing to sponsor you for permanent residency
&nbsp; &nbsp; * demonstrate that you have the appropriate skills, qualifications and/or experience to fill the position
&nbsp; &nbsp; * meet any mandatory licensing, registration or professional membership requirements that allow you to work unsupervised and without further training
&nbsp; &nbsp; * be under 45 years of age
&nbsp; &nbsp; * provide a letter of appointment or a contract signed by both the employer and yourself
&nbsp; &nbsp; * have Vocational English language ability.
&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;See: Vocational English Language Requirement

Exemption from eligibility requirements

Under some circumstances, visa applicants may seek exemption from skill, language or age eligibility requirements.
See: Exemption from Eligibility Requirements

xzcrvnh1s 发表于 2011-2-13 10:10:19

是啊。所以我决定申请457呀。 先到了澳洲再看看是不是可以申请856.最主要是公司的职位空缺保留不了7个月的。

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