arinymnsisk 发表于 2011-5-11 05:05:18


State Migration Plan South Australia<br />
10th May 2011- Planning levels exist for all occupations. Immigration SA would like to advise that the following occupation has reached its planning levels for the 2010-11 Program Year. These occupations are no longer available for Sponsorships and have been removed from the South Australian State Sponsored Migration List and are no longer available for State Sponsorship:<br />
*Please note:<br />
On the 10th of May the following occupations were removed from the South Australian Migration List:<br />
233999 - Engineering Professionals nec<br />
254499 - Registered Nurse nec<br />
263111- Computer Network and Systems Engineer<br />
391111 – Hairdresser<br />
The South Australian Government is pleased to announce the signing of the State Migration Plan (SMP) with the Federal Minister for Immigration and Citizenship.<br />
This formal agreement covers state sponsorship of skilled migrants to South Australia under the Skilled - Sponsored (176 and 886) and Skilled - Regional Sponsored (475 and 487) visas.<br />
Applications for South Australian Government state sponsorship under the State Migration Plan will commence from the date of this announcement.<br />
The State Sponsored Migration List (SSML) indicates the occupations available for sponsorship under the SMP during the remainder of the 2010/11 program year.<br />
Applicants must have an occupation that is available on the SSML as well as meet ALL other criteria.<br />
Under the agreement there is an overall cap on the total number of grants each year.<br />
For 2010-11 South Australian’s cap is 4,890 visa grants, which includes primary and secondary applicants.<br />
To assist with managing to the visa grant cap, the number of skilled migrants that the South Australian Government will sponsor against each occupation listed on the State Sponsorship Migration Lists is limited by a planning level.<br />
When an occupation on the SSML reaches it’s planning level, its status will shift from "Available" to "Not Available".<br />
This means that no NEW applications will be accepted but for sponsorship applications that have already been approved and submitted to DIAC, will receive priority processing.<br />
However, occupations listed as “Not Available” will be available to Onshore applicants who meet the same criteria listed under the Off List sponsorship criteria.<br />
When an occupation becomes "Not Available", Immigration SA reserves the right to not proceed with any undecided but submitted applications (including those with all essential documents).<br />
Before making direct contact with Immigration SA, we request that you utilise our website to help answer any questions that you may have. The website provides comprehensive information on policy,criteria, application procedureand frequently asked questions.

日日明明月月 发表于 2011-5-11 05:45:28


kqpn7870 发表于 2011-5-11 11:47:37


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