真心请教,比较长,但是版上很多牛人,真的希望能帮我权衡一下这个计划是否可行。<br />
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本人情况:<br />
10分 ---- ACS 261112 6年11月<br />
30分 ---- 年龄<br />
15分 ---- 学历<br />
?? ---- 英语,我的计划是考四个7,31/3/2012刚考完,感觉有点悬。<br />
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担心英语在7/1前不能过四个7,又想赶在新政前lodge,所以制定打算先475,然后再175,细节如下:<br />
(配偶加分不可能,配偶的单位不方便申请,而且短期内考出4个6也不现实,所以没有考虑176)<br />
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3/31的雅思成绩出来就先申请SA和NT的475担保,来获得10分<br />
7/1前如果依然雅思不到四个7,就先7/1前申请475<br />
SA的要求是雅思每个过6,应该没有问题。NT的要求是平均过7,口语过7,这个6/1前也有可能实现(7/1前要留时间提交州政府担保,所以说 6/1前实现)。也不知道SA和NT哪个好啊。<br />
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7/1后继续考雅思,如果到了四个7就提交175.看到有帖子说新的签会覆盖原来的签,那就是说175成功了就不用被限制在偏远地区了,是这样的吗?<br />
我还有个打算,以后要去的时候申请雇主担保,这个是不是也能覆盖原来的475呢?<br />
<br />
还有想问175和475如果准签了多久必须boarding?<br />
孩子太小还需要老人照顾,想在国内多耗上几年。有朋友的boarding期限快到了的时候就联系移民局了,然后延长了好几年登录时间呢,理由就是孩子小,需要老人照顾孩子。我也打算效仿。<br />
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比较啰嗦说了一堆,麻烦牛人们给看看这个策略可行否,总结一下我的问题。<br />
1 先475然后再走175或者雇主担保的策略可行否?<br />
2 准签后对最晚登陆时间要求是什么样子的,可否申请delay?<br />
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SA 的261112都是红红的,不知道能否拿到。
special conditions applied,我的理解是有机会,但是可能比较难吧。不知是否正确。
Special condition applies 不代表概率低,而是你要满足某些“特殊条件” 才能申请, 例如说,你有澳洲留学或者工作的经历
When an occupation is listed as "Special Conditions Apply" visit the following link to ascertain your eligibility:
http://www.migration.sa.gov.au/s ... for_state_spons.jsp
6. “Special Conditions Apply”
Please note: Special conditions are listed in red on the State Sponsored Migration List (SSML) - 2011 - 2012 program year.
6.1 Immigration SA is able to sponsor a limited number of skilled applicants for occupations listed as “Special Conditions Apply” for Permanent 886 and 176 state sponsorship.
6.2 Occupations listed as “Special Conditions Apply” are limited to applicants who are recent South Australian (SA) international graduates, who studied at a South Australian institution and where this study meets the DIAC two year study requirement. If any of the applicant’s studies were undertaken outside of South Australia, a minimum of 50% of their qualification must have been completed in South Australia.
Recent SA International Graduates currently residing in South Australia
Onshore recent SA International Graduates currently residing in South Australia must meet all state sponsorship requirements. They should also meet all requirements listed under 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3 and 6.4.
6.3 Applicants should meet ONE of the following:
6.3.1 Have completed a Bachelor Degree or qualification higher than a Bachelor Degree in South Australia.
Documents required: A copy of the academic transcript AND a letter of completion from the institution.
6.3.2 Undertaking a PhD in South Australia.
Documents required: A copy of the Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) or a letter of enrolment from the institution.
A higher education Advanced Diploma may be considered in exceptional circumstances.
6.4 Applicants should ALSO meet ONE of the following:
6.4.1 Currently working in a skilled occupation (minimum 30 hours per week) in South Australia. The skilled occupation must be listed as ANZSCO level 1 to 4.
Documents required: A contract of employment or a letter from the employer confirming employment details
6.4.2 Have met the general work experience requirement
Recent SA International Graduates currently residing interstate
Onshore recent SA International Graduates currently residing interstate must meet all state sponsorship requirements, as well as all requirements listed under 6.1. 6.2, 6.5 and 6.6.
6.5 Applicants should meet ONE of the following:
6.5.1 Have completed a Bachelor Degree or qualification higher than a Bachelor Degree in South Australia.
Documents required: A copy of the academic transcript AND a letter of completion from the institution.
6.5.2 Undertaking a PhD in South Australia.
Documents required: A copy of the Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) or a letter of enrolment from the institution.
A higher education Advanced Diploma may be considered in exceptional circumstances.
6.6 Applicants should ALSO meet ONE of the following:
6.6.1 Currently working in a skilled occupation (minimum 30 hours per week) in South Australia. The skilled occupation must be listed as ANZSCO level 1 to 4.
Documents required: A contract of employment or a letter from the employer confirming employment details.
6.6.2 Have met the general work experience requirement
Former SA International Graduates who are now offshore
Offshore recent SA International Graduates must meet all state sponsorship requirements, as well as all requirements listed under 6.1, 6.2, 6.7 and 6.8
6.7 Have completed a Bachelor Degree or qualification higher than a Bachelor Degree in South Australia.
Documents required: a copy of the academic transcript AND a letter of completion from the institution.
6.8 Have met the general work experience requirement. This must be in your nominated occupation or closely related nominated occupation.
Note: Planning levels apply to all occupations and their availability for sponsorship is subject to change.